Introduction 3 1. Short story as a genre 4 2. A short story in the works of W.S. Maugham 7 3. Features of the author's style of W.S. Maugham 11 4. The peculiarity of the short story by W.S. Maugham 13 Conclusion 20 List of literature 21

Stylistic means of creating images of heroes in Somerset Maugham’s novel «Of human bondage»

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Introduction 3 1. Short story as a genre 4 2. A short story in the works of W.S. Maugham 7 3. Features of the author's style of W.S. Maugham 11 4. The peculiarity of the short story by W.S. Maugham 13 Conclusion 20 List of literature 21
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This report provides an opportunity to get acquainted in general terms with the work of W.S. Maugham. In foreign literary studies, interest in Maugham's work has not faded throughout the twentieth century. The object of the study is the stories of Maugham. What can they have in common, and also what is their uniqueness. The first chapter does not relate to the writer's work, it describes the signs of the story, what can be considered a story, the genre and stylistic features of the story, whether the novella can be attributed to the story. In the second chapter, you can generally get acquainted with the biography of the prose writer. The third chapter is devoted to the stories of W. S.

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Maugham, gives a summary of some of the stories and analysis. What is the difference between the periods of creativity, and on what basis can stories be grouped? The subject of the analysis is the genre-stylistic features of Maugham's stories and narrative elements. The relevance of this work lies in the pronounced individuality of the style of U.S. Maugham. The goal is to prove this, analyze the stories and tell about the personality of Maugham.

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Maugham's legacy is unequal, and what he created is marked by a certain restraint, detachment and rationalism in the transmission of the beat of life. Perhaps he understood this better than his critics and said it himself: "... in my works there is not and cannot be that warmth, broad humanity and spiritual clarity that we find only in the greatest writers" ("Summing up"). But in his best books, which have withstood the test of time and secured him a place among the classics of English literature of the XX century, there are big, universal and general philosophical problems. Maugham's answers were sometimes inconsistent, controversial, or even unacceptable, but in any case, the author's artistic honesty in the approach to solving these problems is attractive - up to the frank admission that he himself does not know the answer, and if he offers his own point of view, then asks not to consider it the truth. And are there exhaustive answers to some of the questions that worried Maugham and, consequently, his characters? Literature, at least to this day, will hardly say the last, decisive word here. An empiricist and a skeptic, he comes to eternal truths frоm his own experience, preferring not to take anything for granted. We must give Maugham his due: he was able to reveal remarkably individual, unimaginable, downright incredible guises that live in the real world. In artistic works - and Maugham is significant primarily as an artist - the originality of his method of artistic thinking is important, how exactly he, W. Somerset Maugham, comes to the discovery of known truths about man and art on his own material and fully armed with his own style. This happens in different ways in different novels. There is a widespread opinion that Maugham is popular insofar as he wrote fascinatingly and simply. We dare to say that what he wrote about was no less important. If he did not approach life seriously, without discounts on the understated requests of fans of easy reading, if he did not ask questions that require the reader to counter the work of thought, and his popularity would be of a completely different kind. This is the main thing. But even without the unique "Maugham" style, of course, there would not be the Maugham that the most diverse reader appreciates and loves.
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