Table of contents INTRODUCTION 2 CHAPTER 1 SCIENTIFIC AND THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS 4 STUDIES OF INTONATION AND PROSODY 4 1.1 Intonation and prosody 4 1.2 Intonation components 9 1.3 Intonation functions 12 Conclusions on chapter 1 14 CHAPTER 2 INTONATION CHARACTERISTICS OF PUBLIC SPEECHES BY H. Clinton AND D. Trump 15 2.1 Conducting phonetic research 15 2.2 Analysis of Donald Trump's Public Speeches 21 2.3 Analysis of Hillary Clinton's public speeches 22 Conclusions on Chapter 2 24 CONCLUSION 26 LIST OF LITERATURE 27

Фонологические особенности американского варианта английского языка на примере выступлений американских политиков

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Table of contents INTRODUCTION 2 CHAPTER 1 SCIENTIFIC AND THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS 4 STUDIES OF INTONATION AND PROSODY 4 1.1 Intonation and prosody 4 1.2 Intonation components 9 1.3 Intonation functions 12 Conclusions on chapter 1 14 CHAPTER 2 INTONATION CHARACTERISTICS OF PUBLIC SPEECHES BY H. Clinton AND D. Trump 15 2.1 Conducting phonetic research 15 2.2 Analysis of Donald Trump's Public Speeches 21 2.3 Analysis of Hillary Clinton's public speeches 22 Conclusions on Chapter 2 24 CONCLUSION 26 LIST OF LITERATURE 27
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The relevance of the research lies in the fact that today much attention is paid to the study of the characteristics of public speeches, including political ones, which have bright language actualizers due to the pragmatics of the speech itself. Many researchers pay attention to the importance of studying speeches frоm the point of view of their sound, i.e. prosodic and intonational design. This approach seems reasonable, since it is the intonation that in most cases determines the success of the speech. However, it can be assumed that not only the social status, intonation of the speaker and the language design of the statement play a role in the success of the speech, but also gender.

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Thus, the course work is devoted to the problems of studying the intonation characteristics of the speech of speakers. The object of the study is the public speeches of D. Trump and H. Trump. Clinton. The subject of the study is the specifics of the intonation design of the speeches of D. Trump and H. Trump. Clinton. The purpose of this study is to analyze the intonation characteristics of the prepared public speeches of D. Trump and H. Trump. Clinton. The hypothesis of the study is based on the assumption that the intonation characteristics of speakers may change depending on their gender. The problem, goal, object, subject, and hypothesis of the study define the following tasks: - consider approaches to the definition of intonation and prosody; - characterize the components of intonation; - consider the functions of intonation; - to conduct a study of the intonation characteristics of D. Trump; - to investigate the intonation characteristics of X. Clinton. To solve the tasks set, the following research methods were used: – comparative-comparative; - descriptive with the use of observation and generalization techniques the analyzed material; - the method of structural analysis; - statistical processing of the results. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is: - in the field of analysis of the sounding characteristics of speech: A. M. Antipova, E. A. Buraya, A. A. Kudryavtseva, T. N. Malkovskaya, L. K. Tseplitis, etc. - in the field of features of the sound of the American version of English languages: A. Cook, F. Nolan, etc. A wide range of issues raised in the study is explained by the interdisciplinary status of the work, which determines the fact that the tasks facing researchers of intonation characteristics of public speech can be solved only in the context of a comprehensive integrative approach that combines the achievements of various sciences. The reliability and validity of the research results is ensured by: - relying on the achievements of outstanding researchers; - using adequate research methods; - the results of an experimental training / experiment. The scientific novelty of the study is due to the fact that it reveals the concept of intonation characteristics of public speaking, and reveals gender differences in public speaking. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact that the existing experience of studying intonation characteristics is systematized. The practical value of the study is that it has developed a methodology for conducting research on the intonation characteristics of public speech. The gender identity of the speaker can influence the intonation of his speech. Public speech is characterized by a special intonation status. The structure and scope of the work are determined by its purpose and objectives. The introduction provides a justification for the relevance and choice of the research topic, defines the object, subject, purpose, objectives and methods of research, as well as its scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance; formulates a hypothesis and basic provisions. The main part of the study, presented in two chapters, is devoted to the consistent solution of the tasks set. The first chapter consists of three sections and is devoted to the analysis of the theoretical foundations of the study of intonation characteristics. As a result of the consideration of the theoretical foundations of the study of intonation, the conclusions of the first chapter formulate the theoretical principles that form the basis for the analysis of the intonation characteristics of public speeches. The second chapter analyzes the intonation characteristics of public speeches. Clinton and D. Trump. In conclusion, the main results of the study are summarized, general conclusions are formulated, and prospects for further research in this area are outlined. The bibliographic list includes 45 titles, including 13 in English.

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According to the results of the work, the following conclusions can be drawn: The syntagma is a rhythmic-melodic unit of speech. A syntagma expresses a complete thought and can be either a part of a sentence or a whole sentence. The grammatical structure of the syntagma is formed with the help of phonetic means: stress, melody of speech. Reduction is a means of forming the rhythmic structure of the syntagma. The main role in the rhythmic structure of the syntagma is played by phrasal accents. Russian Russian and English phrasal accents are different: in Russian, the phrasal stress falls on the last stressed syllable, and in English it is distributed according to the rules of dividing words into significant and insignificant. Depending on the nature of the utterance, the melody of syntagmas can be descending, rising, or even. The correct use of the rhythmic structure of English syntagmas allows you to correctly organize the utterance and, as a result, increases the effectiveness in the communication process. The rhythmic organization of oral texts of public speeches is involved in achieving an effective impact on the audience, exerting, along with intonation, pauses and stress, an influence on the feelings and mind of listeners, helping them to perceive and assimilate what is said. As shown in the study, the speech of X. Clinton et al. Trump is similar in terms of pausing and speed of articulation. Significant differences are found in the use of ascending and descending intonation tones, so D. Trump more often uses an ascending intonation, while X. Clinton – top-down. In conclusion, we note that the intonation design of a public speech plays an important role. True masters of the word use rhythm as a means of emotional and artistic expression, and everyone who speaks in public, of course, needs to develop a sense of rhythm, learn to hear it and master it, using various techniques for this.
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