CONTENT INTRODUCTION 3 CHAPTER 1. THEORETICAL APPROACHES TO UNDERSTANDING THE PHRASAL VERBS 5 1.1 The essence of phrasal verbs 5 1.2 Types of phrasal verbs 14 Chapter 1. Summary of Results 22 CHAPTER 2. ANALYSIS OF THE USE OF PHRASAL VERBS IN RAY BRADBURY'S NOVEL 23 2.1 Characterization of Ray Bradbury's novel 23 2.2 Using the phrasal verbs in Ray Bradbury's novel 25 Chapter 2. Summary of Results 27 CONCLUSION 28

English Phrasal verbs in Ray Bradbury's novel

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CONTENT INTRODUCTION 3 CHAPTER 1. THEORETICAL APPROACHES TO UNDERSTANDING THE PHRASAL VERBS 5 1.1 The essence of phrasal verbs 5 1.2 Types of phrasal verbs 14 Chapter 1. Summary of Results 22 CHAPTER 2. ANALYSIS OF THE USE OF PHRASAL VERBS IN RAY BRADBURY'S NOVEL 23 2.1 Characterization of Ray Bradbury's novel 23 2.2 Using the phrasal verbs in Ray Bradbury's novel 25 Chapter 2. Summary of Results 27 CONCLUSION 28
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English language has unique morphology and has its own characteristics of the formation of different parts of speech, different words. A huge role in speech is played by a verb. The verb is a universal part of speech. That is why it is believed that, first of all, it is necessary to replenish your vocabulary by studying verbs. In English language there are a number of verbs called phrasal. Phrasal verbs are a distinctive feature of the English language. Phrasal verbs are a combination of the verb and the preposition, verb and particles or verb and adverbs. Moreover, if, after this verb, put another pretext or another particle, then the meaning of both the verb itself and the phrase as a whole will fundamentally change. Two or three words that make up a complex verb resemble a short phrase in shape, so they are called phrasal verbs. Phrasal verbs in English more than 12,000.

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. Phrasal verbs are an almost countless group of verbs that are combined with various pretexts or short adverbs. Especially often phrasal verbs are found in conversational English. But studying English, many experience difficulties in their development. The fact is that they can quickly and unexpectedly change their values and there are a lot of them. Phrasal verbs are an integral part of the English language and we can say that this is the least studied area in English linguistics. As a result, problems often arise when translating. Thus, the relevance of this study lies in the fact that phrasal verbs are widely used in English speech, and, for example, school and university programs limit the study of phrasal verbs. Ignorance of phrasal verbs compares the translations and concept of sentences. It is difficult for many students to understand what phrasal verbs are. Thus, the purpose of the study was determined – to consider the use of phrasal verbs in Ray Bradbury's novel. As a novel for research, The Martian Chronicles is used. In accordance with the purpose the objectives of the study were defined: 1) сonsider the essence of phrasal verbs; 2) define types of phrasal verbs; 3) present the characterization of Ray Bradbury's novel; 4) analyze the using the phrasal verbs in Ray Bradbury's novel. The object of the study is the novel The Martian Chronicles. The subject of the study is using of phrasal verbs in The Martian Chronicles. The main research methods are the collection, analysis and synthesis of the information received. The theoretical basis of the study was the works of Russian and foreign specialists, among which it is possible to highlight Alefirenko N.F., Semenenko N. N., Amosova N. N., Arnold I.V., Belinsky V. G., Vinogradov. V.V., Greenberg J., Dobrovolsky D.O., Baranov A.N., Kunin A.V., Milrud R.P., Savitsky V.M., Smirnitsky A.I., Sansky N. M., Shitova L. F., Bruskin T. L. and so on. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that, using the example of the novel The Martian Chronicles, phrasal verbs are considered and their meaning is understood in each case. The practical significance of the work is that the materials of this study can be used to work in English lessons. The analysis of phrasal verbs and an explanation of their knowledge will contribute to increasing the communicative competence of students and studying English, and some presentations of phrasal verbs can be used even in the lessons. The structure of the course work is presented as follows: the introduction, the first chapter consisting of two paragraphs, the second chapter, consisting of two paragraphs, conclusion, references.

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Thus, in this work, a study of the use of phrasal verbs was conducted. The study included the tasks that were solved. The essence of phrasal verbs was сonsidered. It was found that phrasal verbs (verb phrases) were stable combinations of the verb and adverbs, or verb and pretext, or verb with a pretext and dialect at the same time. It consists of several words, one of which is the verb, and the other (or others), the preposition or, coinciding with it in form, adverbs. Types of phrasal verbs were defined types. It was noted that there are: 1. Transitive Phrasal Verb; 2. Intransitive Phrasal Verb; 3. Separable Phrasal Verbs; 4. Non-separable Phrasal Verbs. The characterization of Ray Bradbury's novel was presented. It was determined that this is a science fiction novel by Ray Bradbury, which brought the author wide fame. In fact, the content of the book is a cross between a collection of short stories and episodic novels, including stories previously published in literary magazines in the second half of the 1940s. The using the phrasal verbs in Ray Bradbury's novel was analyzed. The study selеcted some of the phrasal verbs used in the novel The Martian Chronicles and analyzed it. For example, in the novel were used next phrasal verbs: 1) fall frоm. 2) lay back. 3) step out. 4) get on with the work. 5) take over something. 6) to ask somebody straight off. 7) stay around. 8) step off the cliff. 9) interfere in. 10) ran off. 11) float down the serene surface of the canal. 12) to call up. 13) to slip down (the vines). 14) to flash on. 15) leap up the chimney. 16) and so on. Thus, the easiest way to learn phrasal verbs. Don't be afraid of phrasal verbs. Despite all the difficulties, remembering them is real. The main thing is practice. When studying, it is better to group phrasal verbs: by topic (family, sports, clothes, etc.), by the same verbs (take, get, look, etc.). To memorize a phrasal verb: Step 1: Look up the meaning and translation of the word in the dictionary. Step 2: View use cases. Step 3: Make your own sentences with this phrasal verb. In this way, it will be easily memorizing the phrasal verb and be able to use it in your speech. The study of phrasal verbs in English is of practical importance, since in the Russian language there are no similar verb forms, which causes difficulties in the use of phrasal verbs among studying English. As a result of the study, the following conclusions were obtained: phrasal verbs are a bright, lively and very productive element of the English language, are easily formed by speaking. It was concluded that there was practically no actions or relationships between people who could not be conveyed through the values of phrasal verbs. As a result of the study, it was obtained the following conclusions: - phrasal verbs are a characteristic feature of the modern English language, a bright, lively and very productive element, they are easily formed by speakers; - phrasal verbs present a certain difficulty, since a phrasal verb can have not only its direct meaning, but also completely different frоm the direct one. - the widespread use of phrasal verbs is one of the most unexpected pitfalls that a foreigner stumbles upon when trying to understand live English speech, read a newspaper article or a work of art. Cramming the phrasal verbs themselves in the dictionary is useless – there are too many of them to take a list and learn everything. An effective approach would be to watch movies where there is a lot of spoken language. If phrasal verbs occur in the text and its meaning is unknown, the meaning in most cases can be understood frоm the context in which it is used. To learn English phrasal verbs, you should first open a dictionary and read all the meanings of basic verbs (get, take, keep, hold, come, put, go, break, give, run, turn) and prepositions (in, on, off, out, over, along, up, down, about). When comprehending these words, the development of phrasal verbs will go much easier. The translation of English into Russian is a very complex process, since it is necessary to take into account the stylistic features of a phraseological unit and preserve its lexical meaning. English is a rich and beautiful language that is filled with various phraseological phrases. They give the language imagery and expressiveness. The importance of phrasal verbs in informal communication cannot be underestimated. They provide an opportunity to better understand native speakers and make our English more understandable, natural and «alive». Without phrasal verbs, speech will sound very high-flown and ridiculous. Phrasal verbs make English more natural, so don't forget about them and expand your own vocabulary.
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