1 Introduction 2 2 The features of winter tours in Far East region for studying and vacation 5 2.1 Key events in the history of Far East 5 2.2 The modern conditions in Far East 9 3. Tour Moscow – Khabarovsk – Kamchatka «From West to East» 13 3.1 Places that are interesting to visit 13 3.2 Program of 7-days-tour in Far East 17 4. Conclusion 21 Biblography 23 Appendix 25 Appendix 1 – Grado-Khabarovsk Cathedral of the Assumption of the Mother of God 25 Appendix 2 – Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral 26 Appendix 3 – Lenin Square 27 Appendix 4 – N.N. Muravyov-Amursky Park 28 Appendix 5 – Amur Cliff 29 Appendix 6 – Far Eastern Art Museum 30 Appendix 7 – Valley of Geysers 31 Appendix 8 – Commander Islands 32 Appendix 9 – Klyuchevskaya Sopka volcano 33 Appendix 10 – Blue Lakes 34

Развитие туризма на Дальнем Востоке

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1 Introduction 2 2 The features of winter tours in Far East region for studying and vacation 5 2.1 Key events in the history of Far East 5 2.2 The modern conditions in Far East 9 3. Tour Moscow – Khabarovsk – Kamchatka «From West to East» 13 3.1 Places that are interesting to visit 13 3.2 Program of 7-days-tour in Far East 17 4. Conclusion 21 Biblography 23 Appendix 25 Appendix 1 – Grado-Khabarovsk Cathedral of the Assumption of the Mother of God 25 Appendix 2 – Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral 26 Appendix 3 – Lenin Square 27 Appendix 4 – N.N. Muravyov-Amursky Park 28 Appendix 5 – Amur Cliff 29 Appendix 6 – Far Eastern Art Museum 30 Appendix 7 – Valley of Geysers 31 Appendix 8 – Commander Islands 32 Appendix 9 – Klyuchevskaya Sopka volcano 33 Appendix 10 – Blue Lakes 34
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The Russian Far East has very favorable factors for the development of tourism. Firstly, the unique geographical position of the region, the favorable and geopolitical position of the Far Eastern region of Russia. The development of tourism is influenced by the close proximity to countries with centuries-old culture: China, Japan, South Korea, the North Korea, and Mongolia.

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The multimillion population of these countries has an increasing standard of living every year and, consequently, the number of potential tourists is increasing . The tourist resources of the Far East are impressive. These are natural landscapes frоm Arctic deserts in the north to mixed cedar-deciduous forests with subtropical flora and fauna in the south of the Far East. Diverse ecosystems: arctic, mountain, forest, river, lake, wetland, marine, island, volcanic, etc. The presence of specially protected natural areas such as nature reserves, nature reserves, national parks, natural monuments. As well as the presence of rare and endangered species of animals such as the Amur tiger, the Far Eastern leopard, cedar and ginseng. The Far East is also very attractive because the oldest ethnic groups live there: Yakuts, Chukchi, Koryaks, Evenks, Udege, Nanai and others. They have an original unique culture. Historical factors are also of favorable importance for the development of tourism. For example, archaeological sites have always interested tourists. It is also important that there are scientific and educational institutions in the Russian Far East that are able to train specialists in the field of tourism and the hospitality industry. The Far Eastern tourist palette is very diverse and promising. From it, it is necessary to make tours that could unite the regions, give tourists who have looked into our region an opportunity to fully get acquainted with the Russian Far East and enjoy untouched nature . The relevance is due to the fact that there are more and more prospects for development in the Far East due to close ties with Asian countries in connection with the current situation. Coronavirus restrictions led to the fact that in 2020 Primorye was visited by 86 percent fewer guests than in 2019. The closure of borders also affected: the region is a transit territory, and residents of many regions consider it as an opportunity to travel to China. The tourist market lost eight billion rubles and showed a minus 78.2 percent compared to the same period in 2019. However, for the most part, the tour companies survived. All the camp sites on the coast were filled. Mainly thanks to the faithful warm Primorye neighbors-the Far East. From other regions of Russia, they do not really seek to rest here. Maybe it's just for now . When in 2020 there was talk about the appearance of an industry national project in Russia, it seemed that it was started at the wrong time - in the midst of a pandemic. But it became clear: delay would have caused too many losses. And now we can expect that the real development of the tourism sector is just beginning. The government plans to allocate 529 billion rubles frоm the federal budget to the activities of the national project by 2030, and another 72 billion frоm regional funds . The purpose of the work is to study the development of tourism in the Far East. To achieve the goal, we need to complete the tasks: 1) Find out about key events in the history of Far East; 2) Analyze the modern conditions in Far East; 3) Describe places that are interesting to visit; 4) Make a program of 7 days tour. The object of project is Russian Far East. The subject is development of tourism in Far East. The following methods were used during the study: analysis of sources with historical information about the Far East, analysis of information on tourist sites, including which tours they offer. There was also an analysis of sources describing nature, sights, and peoples of the Far East. The work consist of introduction, two chapters, conclusion, bibliography and appendix. In the 1st chapter we describe short history of Far East, key events of its history, the modern conditions in Far East. In the 2nd chapter we make a plan of 7-days tour program for students frоm Moscow and describe the best place to visit.

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The Far East is the most remote region of our country. It contains not only the mainland territory, but also the large peninsulas of Chukotka and Kamchatka and the largest island of Russia – Sakhalin. The nature of Kamchatka is one of the most peculiar and interesting in the world. The location of the peninsula on the faults of tectonic plates, on the coast of the Pacific Ocean provided the peninsula with truly unique features. Volcanoes are the dominant feature of Kamchatka nature, of which there are more than a hundred. 29 of them are active, so constant eruptions serve as a backdrop for all life. Every time a volcano erupts, it somehow changes the landscape. Vegetation is buried under a layer of lava and ash, rivers change their channels, lakes disappear and appear. UNESCO has included Kamchatka volcanoes in the list of specially protected natural monuments. Now there are several natural parks on the territory of the region, created so that the ecosystem associated with the natural volcanism of the peninsula is not exposed to harmful anthropogenic influences. The nature of Kamchatka is rich in cold and hot springs, which either flow calmly frоm the bowels of the earth, or gush very powerfully. UNESCO has recognized the Valley of Geysers as a World Heritage Site. There are more than forty geysers, as well as mud boilers, hot lakes and thermal springs. This impressive place is a gorge 8 km long and 4 km wide, through which the Geyser River flows. Each geyser works with its own frequency, moreover, it is noticed that the time between emissions increases over the years. The landscape of the famous valley has recently changed due to two powerful mudslides that covered significant areas and buried more than a dozen geysers. The water expanses of Kamchatka are represented by rivers, lakes and coastal sea waters. The abundance of salmon-like fish in them is amazing. The most common are Pacific, noble salmon and char. Some of the salmon live only in the sea (chum salmon and pink salmon), but spawn in the fresh water of rivers and lakes, dying after that. The remaining species have their own freshwater forms that do not go out to sea. There is a wide variety of crabs in the marine waters of Kamchatka. The strigun crab is very common, fishing is carried out on it. There are varieties of hairy crabs, there are crabs such as prickly, equiparous, etc. The originality and beauty of nature attract many tourists to Kamchatka. To preserve the pristine nature of the amazing region and at the same time make it open to people is an urgent task that requires a delicate solution. Khabarovsk is a bright and cozy city, "hiding" in the Amur taiga. There is everything here for a good rest and tourism, therefore, despite the long distance, the policy is definitely worth a visit, especially if the traveler's route runs through this wonderful Russian city. Khabarovsk is a relatively young city and it is located very far frоm the European part of Russia (frоm Moscow to fly 6100 km, and by train to go 8533 km). It is frоm here that the path leads to countless lakes, mountains, nature reserves of the Far Eastern region. And even if the traveler did not plan to visit Khabarovsk, his route is likely to affect this city as the initial stage of a large-scale tour of the Far East. Recently, tourism in the city has been gaining momentum, transport is developing (Khabarovsk has two airports, a river port, a railway station, a road junction and four railway stations), new routes are emerging. All this greatly simplifies travel and makes local attractions much more accessible and attractive for tourists. So, we investigated the development of tourism in the Far East. We have achieved our goal thanks to the completed tasks: describe history, nature, sights, indigenous peoples, features of tourism. We have also compiled a 7-day tour program for young people frоm Moscow to Khabarovsk to Kamchatka.
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1) История Камчатского края. – [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: http://www.piragis.ru/ 2) История освоения дальнего Востока. – [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: https://историиземли.рф/istoriya-osvoeniya-dalnego-vostoka.html 3) Как живёт сегодня Дальний Восток России. – [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: https://dzen.ru/a/Y5yP_AhnDUh4MePg 4) Кононов А.Ю., Толстых И.Н., Кирилюк А.С. Оценка ресурсной базы культурного туризма Приморского края // Азимут научных исследований: экономика и управление. 2018. Т. 7. № 4 (25). С. 151-154. 5) Лехтянская Л. В., Римская Т. Г. Туризм - одно из приоритетных направлений экономического развития Дальнего Востока // КНЖ. 2019. №2 (27). С. 126-130. 6) Локша А.В., Петрова Н.И. Особенности развития гастрономического туризма в Приморском крае // Вестник НГИЭИ. 2018. № 12 (91). С. 58-68. 7) Новый нацпроект поможет развить туризм на Дальнем Востоке. – [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: https://rg.ru/2021/05/13/reg-dfo/novyj-nacproekt-pomozhet-razvit-turizm-na-dalnem-vostoke.html 8) Осипова А.В., Гремитских А.Е. Развитие регионов Дальнего Востока России как туристической дестинации и повышение их привлекательности для зарубежных туристов // Казанский вестник молодых учёных. 2018. С. 220-226 9) Официальный сайт Камчатского края. – [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: https://kamgov.ru/ 10) Развитие международного туризма в мировом хозяйстве и в России. – [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: https://studwood.net/931541/ekonomika/razvitie_mezhdunarodnogo_turizma_v_mirovom_hozyaystve_i_v_rossii 11) Сайт EcoPortal: Природа Дальнего Востока. – [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: https://ecoportal.info/priroda-dalnego-vostoka/ 12) Сайт OneztwoTrip: 10 главных мест Дальнего Востока России. – [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: https://www.onetwotrip.com/ru/blog/guides/russian-federation/top-10-places-of-russian-far-east/ 13) Сайт Samovar Travel: Дальний Восток — туризм в России. – [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: https://samovar.travel/district/dalniy-vostok/ 14) Толстых И.Н., Золотухина Е.С., Ван Ш. Развитие культурнопознавательного туризма в приморском крае в условиях реализации проекта «Восточное кольцо России» // Азимут научных исследований: экономика и управление. 2018. Т. 7. № 2 (23). С. 325-329. 15) Хабаровский край. Официальный информационный портал. – [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: https://www.khabkrai.ru/ 16) Bukharov I., Berezka S. The role of tourist gastronomy experiences in regional tourism in Russia //Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes. – 2018. pp. 449-457.
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