The socio-economic condition of a state is directly related to its technological development. The process of creating new technologies based on science is a key factor for economic growth and for upturn of the population's well-being. Technology can be viewed as the organisational and technical means of producing various types of products. It is important to remember that science, technology and production make up indissoluble interdependent uniоn and that the level of technological development is determined by how effective science and technology functioning together with production. The main ramification of this interconnection is the emergence of advanced knowledge and its use in new technologies or in the processing of high quality products. Russia's access into new global markets is possible due to technological growth, which will allow to produce new more sophisticated goods, and as a consequence, to present them on new trading platforms, where Russian producers will take the remarkable positions. The directions of innovative development of Russian economy are extremely accurate and precise. First direction is presented by growth of technologies and science. Second direction is related to the progress of technological innovations. The modern studies analyze current economic situation in association with the technological development and draw attention to the new ways of manufacturing modernization and renewal of the organizational of institutional principles of the interaction between economy and technologies. The issue of formation of the new Russian economy's technological mode is essentially related with the emergence of a new innovative and technological state model. Modern tendencies in economic development, which are included in the Russian state policy of scientific and technological progress, give evidence for the new economic order, the core of which will be nanotechnologies, biotechnologies, and information and telecommunication technologies. During the process of replacing the old models and schemes with a new ones, there is a shift in the economic production relations forms. Particular features of the structural transformation of Russian economy are linked with its special multi-structural nature. The combination of previous economic models in Russia is depicted the directions and methods of regulating technological development and the genesis of a concept for the interaction between technologies and economy. The growing role of globalization, the correlation between supply chains and the commencement of the information economy lead to the emergence of new forms of economic systems and conditions mitigating them. Therefore, an analysis of the characteristics and trends of such new models is of huge demand for understanding structural shifts, ways of technological development, and modern tendencies in the Russian economy. It should be emphasized that existed literature devoted to the impact of technological progress on Russian economic growth and increasing the competitiveness of the national economy does not allow to articulate an optimal innovative development strategy and industrial policy. In accordance with new conditions in the globalized world, scientific understanding of the deep modernization in Russian economy through technological development is of extreme importance for providing a thorough view on provisions related to the issue of ensuring sustainable economic growth of the national economy. The uncertainty can be explained by lack of the precise definition of basic terms, such as competitiveness of the economy, and by deficiency of clear view on measures of its assessment or the ways to prevent further negative ramifications and recession in the economy. All mentioned observations determine the relevance of the chosen topic. The purpose of this research is to study the economic aspect of the technological progress (further - TP) which can be described as the main factor of economic growth in Russia. Another hugely significant issue is the level of competitiveness, unemployment, inflation within period of TP. Bear this in mind, we have tried to define the key features of the TP and its achievements, which can be used for developing the basis of effective national economic policy and for stimulation innovative paths for economic modernization. The mentioned purpose of this research predetermined the formulation of following tasks: • to study the role of TP during the period of economic growth and its relationship with unemployment and inflation; • to understand the drawbacks of TP and potential risks caused by it for the economic growth; • to find out the role played by TP for stabilization of market relations in Russia; • to develop criteria and indicators for the assessment of TP's impact on Russian economy; • to explore the factors that beside TP contribute to the formation of effective and high innovative model of Russian economy. The subject of this research is the economic relations, which are aimed for ensuring intensive economic growth through TP and for transitioning Russian economy to global market relations. The object of the study is the TP as the key element for sustainable economic growth, its formation on the basis of the usage of the TP results in the economic activities of market entities. The theoretical and methodological basis of this work is the provisions developed by Russian and foreign scholars. The work uses data frоm specific books and monographs, as well as frоm statistical materials. The research is undertaken with following methodology: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, a historical method, a comparative method.

Technological progress and its influence on economic growth, unemployment and inflation in Russia.

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Микро-, макро-, мегаэкономика
22 страниц
61% уникальность
2022 год
37 просмотров
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The socio-economic condition of a state is directly related to its technological development. The process of creating new technologies based on science is a key factor for economic growth and for upturn of the population's well-being. Technology can be viewed as the organisational and technical means of producing various types of products. It is important to remember that science, technology and production make up indissoluble interdependent uniоn and that the level of technological development is determined by how effective science and technology functioning together with production. The main ramification of this interconnection is the emergence of advanced knowledge and its use in new technologies or in the processing of high quality products. Russia's access into new global markets is possible due to technological growth, which will allow to produce new more sophisticated goods, and as a consequence, to present them on new trading platforms, where Russian producers will take the remarkable positions. The directions of innovative development of Russian economy are extremely accurate and precise. First direction is presented by growth of technologies and science. Second direction is related to the progress of technological innovations. The modern studies analyze current economic situation in association with the technological development and draw attention to the new ways of manufacturing modernization and renewal of the organizational of institutional principles of the interaction between economy and technologies. The issue of formation of the new Russian economy's technological mode is essentially related with the emergence of a new innovative and technological state model. Modern tendencies in economic development, which are included in the Russian state policy of scientific and technological progress, give evidence for the new economic order, the core of which will be nanotechnologies, biotechnologies, and information and telecommunication technologies. During the process of replacing the old models and schemes with a new ones, there is a shift in the economic production relations forms. Particular features of the structural transformation of Russian economy are linked with its special multi-structural nature. The combination of previous economic models in Russia is depicted the directions and methods of regulating technological development and the genesis of a concept for the interaction between technologies and economy. The growing role of globalization, the correlation between supply chains and the commencement of the information economy lead to the emergence of new forms of economic systems and conditions mitigating them. Therefore, an analysis of the characteristics and trends of such new models is of huge demand for understanding structural shifts, ways of technological development, and modern tendencies in the Russian economy. It should be emphasized that existed literature devoted to the impact of technological progress on Russian economic growth and increasing the competitiveness of the national economy does not allow to articulate an optimal innovative development strategy and industrial policy. In accordance with new conditions in the globalized world, scientific understanding of the deep modernization in Russian economy through technological development is of extreme importance for providing a thorough view on provisions related to the issue of ensuring sustainable economic growth of the national economy. The uncertainty can be explained by lack of the precise definition of basic terms, such as competitiveness of the economy, and by deficiency of clear view on measures of its assessment or the ways to prevent further negative ramifications and recession in the economy. All mentioned observations determine the relevance of the chosen topic. The purpose of this research is to study the economic aspect of the technological progress (further - TP) which can be described as the main factor of economic growth in Russia. Another hugely significant issue is the level of competitiveness, unemployment, inflation within period of TP. Bear this in mind, we have tried to define the key features of the TP and its achievements, which can be used for developing the basis of effective national economic policy and for stimulation innovative paths for economic modernization. The mentioned purpose of this research predetermined the formulation of following tasks: • to study the role of TP during the period of economic growth and its relationship with unemployment and inflation; • to understand the drawbacks of TP and potential risks caused by it for the economic growth; • to find out the role played by TP for stabilization of market relations in Russia; • to develop criteria and indicators for the assessment of TP's impact on Russian economy; • to explore the factors that beside TP contribute to the formation of effective and high innovative model of Russian economy. The subject of this research is the economic relations, which are aimed for ensuring intensive economic growth through TP and for transitioning Russian economy to global market relations. The object of the study is the TP as the key element for sustainable economic growth, its formation on the basis of the usage of the TP results in the economic activities of market entities. The theoretical and methodological basis of this work is the provisions developed by Russian and foreign scholars. The work uses data frоm specific books and monographs, as well as frоm statistical materials. The research is undertaken with following methodology: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, a historical method, a comparative method.
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Scientific and technological progress has a dual effect on economic growth: on the one hand, it increases the quantity and quality of newly created consumer values, and on the other hand, it leads to a reduction in the cost of individual working time for the production of goods and services, provided that its results are extended to all spheres of social production, there is also a reduction in the social necessary labor time. Always acting together with the competitiveness of the economy, scientific and technological progress at the national level in this regard manifests itself through the category of "innovative economy" as a set of innovative properties of the national economy, which are an external manifestation of scientific and technological progress and are closely interconnected with the level of costs (external and internal ), which express the relationship between the producers of an innovative product and its consumers at all stages of manufacturing. Nevertheless, scientific and technological progress itself is a complex, continuously developing system of a certain hierarchical composition, experiencing the ever-increasing influence of the internationalization economy. That is why the approach to understanding the functioning of this system should be carried out frоm the standpoint of modern global economy theories. The initial element, the driving force behind the progressive development of scientific and technological progress, can be recognized as a universal contradiction between the level of satisfaction of needs (in this case, public needs aimed at improving the productive forces) and ways of achieving it. From the reasons mentioned earlier, it logically follows that the need for structural changes in the system of Russian economy would contribute to the acceleration of scientific and technological progress and to the realization of its achievements. An analysis suggests that Russia has succeed in many indicators of technological development, including indicators of human resources, such as the number of personnel engaged in research and development, as well as the number of young scientists. The measures taken by the Russian government to stimulate technological development should go further in order to amplify the number of innovative enterprises and the share of innovative products in the total volume of industrial sales. Globalization is the factor that determines the features of the development of a new technological way of life, since the strengthening of the influence of the globalization process on the Russian economy, which is associated with scientific and technological progress. The globalization makes it possible to accelerate the exchange of production factors and technologies, to single out the dominant technology of the new order.

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. Industrial modernization is carried out in those areas where Russia has significant competitive advantages (oil, gas, timber), or in areas in which investments have already been made (space, nuclear energy). Stimulation of industrial modernization based on innovations is carried out by promoting the development of a market for competitive products, investment in modernization, as well as industrial reforms.

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1. Bhuiyan, A.A.M. Financing education: A route to the development of a country // The Journal of Educational Development, 2019 2. Cerruela García G., Luque Ruiz I., Gómez-Nieto M. State of the art, trends and future of Bluetooth low energy, near field communication and visible light communication in the development of Smart Cities // Sensors, 2016 3. Gomonov K., Berezin A., Matyushok V., Balashova S. Introduction of Smart Grid in Russia: feasibility study // Proceedings of the 11th International Days of Statistics and Economics., 2017 4. Jerome, S. ‘Global Clusters of Innovation: Lessons frоm Silicon Valley’ // California Management Review, 2015 5. Jones, C.I. Paul Romer: Ideas, nonrivalry, and endogenous growth // Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2019 6. Lomachynska, J., Podgorna, I. Innovation potential: Impact on the national economy’s competitiveness of the EU developed countries // Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 2018 7. Mohamed, M., Liu, P., Nie, G. Are technological innovation and foreign direct investment a way to boost economic growth? an egyptian case study using the autoregressive distributed lag (ardl) model // Sustainability, 2021 8. Mohamed, M.M.A., Liu, P., Nie, G. Causality between Technological Innovation and Economic Growth: Evidence frоm the Economies of Developing Countries // Sustainability., 2022 9. Mühleisen, M. The Long and Short of The Digital Revolution // Finance & Development, 2018 10. Negroponte, N. Being digital. - New York: Knopf, 1995 11. Pala, A. Innovation and economic growth in developing countries: Empirical implication of Swamy’s random coefficient model // Procedia Computer Science, 2019 12. Qureshi, Z. Growth in a Time of Change. Global and Country Perspectives on a New Agenda. - Brookings Institution Press, 2020 13. Tagarov B.J. Digital cluster as a new form of economic concept // Creative
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Introduction 3 Chapter 1. TP as the factor of economic growth 6 § 1. Definition and main concepts of TP 6 § 2. Modern trends of technological progress 7 § 3. Technological progress and the Russian economy 9 Chapter 2. The interaction of technological progress with Russian economy 12 § 1.The impact of technological progress on economic growth in Russia 12 § 2. The impact of technological progress on unemployment in Russia 14 § 3. The impact of technological progress on inflation in Russia 16 Chapter 3. The role of technological progress in the development of the digital economy in Russia 20 § 1. The concept of «digital economy» 20 § 2. The digital transformation of Russian economy 21 Conclusion 23 Bibliography 25
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