INTRODUCTION 3 CHAPTER 1. PUN AND ITS LINGUISTIC ESSENCE IN ENGLISH AND RUSSIAN 6 1.1 The main directions in the study of pun 6 1.2 Definition of a pun and its classification 11 Summary of results 33 CHAPTER 2. ANALYSIS OF THE TRANSLATION OF THE PUN IN THE WORKS OF LEWIS CARROLL "ALICE IN WONDERLAND" 34 2.1 "Alice in Wonderland" as a subject of analysis by scientists and translators 34 2.2 Analysis of the works of some translators in the approach to the transmission of the most interesting puns 54 Summary of results 57 CHAPTER 3. PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF THE RESEARCH RESULTS 59 3.1 Practical Relevance of the Research Results in Lexicology 59 3.2 Practical Relevance of the Research Results in Translation Studies 61 3.3 Practical Relevance of the Research Results in Stylistics 65 Summary of results 73 CONCLUSION 76 LIST OF LITERATURE 79

The Difficulty of Pun Translation (based on the Fairy Tale by L. Carroll “Alice in Wonderland”)

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2021 год
59 просмотров
Lapikova E.
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INTRODUCTION 3 CHAPTER 1. PUN AND ITS LINGUISTIC ESSENCE IN ENGLISH AND RUSSIAN 6 1.1 The main directions in the study of pun 6 1.2 Definition of a pun and its classification 11 Summary of results 33 CHAPTER 2. ANALYSIS OF THE TRANSLATION OF THE PUN IN THE WORKS OF LEWIS CARROLL "ALICE IN WONDERLAND" 34 2.1 "Alice in Wonderland" as a subject of analysis by scientists and translators 34 2.2 Analysis of the works of some translators in the approach to the transmission of the most interesting puns 54 Summary of results 57 CHAPTER 3. PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF THE RESEARCH RESULTS 59 3.1 Practical Relevance of the Research Results in Lexicology 59 3.2 Practical Relevance of the Research Results in Translation Studies 61 3.3 Practical Relevance of the Research Results in Stylistics 65 Summary of results 73 CONCLUSION 76 LIST OF LITERATURE 79
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The present work is devoted to the study of the linguistic and stylistic features of the English pun and the ways of its reconstruction in translation. The relevance of this research is determined by the need to further develop one of the most important aspects of translation theory – the problem of translatability. Despite the abundance of works devoted to the particular aspects of the pun, there is practically no research in linguistics on the content characteristics of this technique. This problem is part of a broader task – the study of the content characteristics of this technique. The widespread use of the pun in a number of literary genres, the agnostic attitude of many researchers to the pun, which they have included in the list of "untranslatable" phenomena, dictates the need to develop this technique frоm one language to another. The topic is also relevant in terms of studying the problem of creating the imagery of translation. The objective of the work is to study the problem of translating puns and proper names based on the material of L. Carroll's fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland". After studying the available theoretical material and analyzing several translations, we will try to trace possible ways of transmitting the play of words and proper names into Russian. The aim of the study is to study the informative structure of the English pun in close connection with its contextual characteristics and to establish the most adequate correspondences and possible options for transmitting this technique to other languages.

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. Subject of the study: the transfer of the English pun on the basis of its structural and content characteristics and contextual characteristics and contextual environment. Object of research: linguistic and stylistic features and structure of the English pun. The specific tasks of the study are as follows: 1. Describe the informative structure of the English pun and set the set of its constant and variable components. 2. To study the contextual characteristics of the pun and to identify the scope of its semantic and stylistic distribution. 3. Based on the established features of the content and contextual characteristics of the pun, determine the ways to find optimal matches and options for transmitting this technique in translation. 4. To study the varieties and features of the use of prima compensation when reproducing puns in speech. 5. Identify the typical mistakes of translators and their causes. The study is written on the basis of the opinions of authors such as Lyubimov, Demirov, Vinogradov and many others. The research is based on the problem of creating the imagery of translation. The widespread use of the pun in a number of literary genres, the agnostic attitude of many researchers to the pun, which they included in the list of "untranslatable" phenomena, dictates the need to develop this technique frоm one language to another. Authors studied the informative structure of the pun is multicomponent and that consists of a set of constant and variable elements. Which are mandatory components of the structure of any pun. Typical mistakes of translators when recreating a pun. The material under research includes for the study was the English-language work of Lewis Carroll “Alice in Wonderland " and its translations into Russian. For the analysis of pun translations, a work that has been translated many times has been specially selеcted. Research methods. The research methodology, due to the variety of problems under consideration, included various forms of analysis: descriptive-logical, component-based, as well as translation-based. The translation method is a complex dialogic method and consists of a combination of linguistic and literary methods: comparative, typological, transformational analysis, stylistic experiment. The study consists of Introduction, three Chapters, and Conclusion. The first chapter is devoted to the theoretical issues connected with the topic of my thesis. The second chapter analyzed the translation of puns in the works of Lewis Carroll "Alice in Wonderland". The third chapter deals with the implementation of the research results in scientific fields.

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The purpose of the study was to identify and describe the features of the use of proper names in L. Carroll's literary fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland", selеcted by the continuous sampling method. The conducted research allowed us to draw the following conclusions: 1. The concept of "fairy-tale prose" is applicable to the object of our research and we believe that it should be defined as oral stories that exist among the people for the purpose of entertainment, having unusual events in the everyday sense and characterized by a special compositional and stylistic construction. After analyzing the works of scientists, we came to the conclusion that in addition to the generally recognized groups of fairy tales, there is another category of fairy tales of artificial origin - literary or author's fairy tales that depart frоm their folk basis. The literary fairy tale genre includes the work of Lewis Carroll "Alice in Wonderland". 2. Having studied the genre properties of a literary fairy tale, we concluded that a special place is given to proper names - special linguistic signs that form a different (as opposed to common names) sign system for the same objects frоm the real world of things for which ordinary language signs are created. 3. The features of proper names in a literary text are defined as: - maximum information saturation, - sharp changes in the information volume and emotional - evaluative orientation when naming the same referent, - a rigidly deterministic unambiguous relationship between the content of a proper name and the communication situation, - a nominative - characteristic function in "talking names" and a plot - actualized compositional function. 4. The practical work carried out within the framework of the study allowed us to conclude that the central elements of the literary fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" are anthroponyms. Topopoetonyms, occupying about a nuclear space, are represented in the work by oikonyms, buronyms and speleonyms. In addition, we found proper names - ctemonyms, occupying a peripheral position in the onomastic space. These are the names of dishes, songs and poems that perform a stylistic function in the text. In the literary fairy tale Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll uses proper names of both natural and artificial origin. Among the names of natural origin, the names of real-life birthday people are dominant. Onyms of natural origin in the work are also represented by allusive names. The analysis of proper names of artificial origin has shown that they are formed in lexico-semantic, morphological and lexico-syntactic ways. The predominant way of creating proper names is the lexico-semantic method, represented by the onymization of the appellative. Lewis Carroll also uses a morphological way of forming proper names. In the studied corpus of units of anthropoetonyms and topopoetonyms, we found proper names formed by affixation, word composition, ellipsis and abbreviation. We have found that L. Carroll most rarely uses the lexical and syntactic way of creating proper names. According to the results of the study, we came to the conclusion that the names in the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" are a kind of ciphers. Some of them are connected with real people. There are also many names associated with English folklore in Carroll's books. Some names as a source of origin have common names, but having a new meaning. One of the features of Lewis Carroll's works is the play on words, which can be noticed in the creation of proper names. Thus, the conducted research allowed us to study in more detail and identify the features of the use and formation of proper names on the example of fairy-tale prose. Already at the stage of determining the research topic, it is necessary to present in what form its results will be presented. The form of presentation of research results should be implied by the contractor when implementing all stages of scientific research. The presentation of research results is possible in the form of: a scientific report, an article, a manual, a report, methodological recommendations, etc. When completing the work, the results obtained must be presented in a publicly accessible and understandable form that allows them to be compared with the results of other researchers and used in practical activities. There fore , when completing the work, it is necessary to follow the established system requirements. The stage of registration of scientific work can also be divided into stages: - the first is the creation of an initial version of the design of the results, in accordance with a well-thought-out draft plan of recommendations, accumulated the material, the main thoughts, the system of evidence, are fixed in accordance with the general thread of the presentation. Forming a general outline of the final material; - the second sub-stage is a consistent and painstaking work to clarify individual parts and phrases, the necessary additions and permutations are made, the excess is removed; - the third stage of editing, the accuracy and expressiveness of the presentation is achieved, links are clarified, a reference apparatus and a bibliography are compiled. The content and structure of the methodological recommendations are logically linked to the content and structure of the process or document, the provisions of which they specify. The style of presentation of recommendations is a combination of scientific and accessibility, accessibility of the presentation of research results plays an essential role. At the same time, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the validity of the proposed conclusions is combined with the simplicity of their implementation, as well as to disclose the conditions for their application to achieve maximum efficiency. Constructiveness and concreteness of proposals supported by mathematical calculations (understandable to the addressee of recommendations) and illustrative examples of live experience provides a positive result of practical application.
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