INTRODUCTION 3 Chapter 1 5 1.1 General cultural characteristics of American culture 5 1.1.1 The attitude towards Brits 8 1.2. General cultural characteristics of British culture 9 1.2.1. The attitude towards Americans 12 Chapter 2 14 2.1. Phonetic facets common for American English and British English 14 2.2. Linguocultural differences between British and Americans and their role in communication 18 PRACTICAL PART OF RESEARCH 22 CONCLUSION 28 REFERENCE LIST 29

American and British cultureAMERICAN AND BRITISH CULTURE

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INTRODUCTION 3 Chapter 1 5 1.1 General cultural characteristics of American culture 5 1.1.1 The attitude towards Brits 8 1.2. General cultural characteristics of British culture 9 1.2.1. The attitude towards Americans 12 Chapter 2 14 2.1. Phonetic facets common for American English and British English 14 2.2. Linguocultural differences between British and Americans and their role in communication 18 PRACTICAL PART OF RESEARCH 22 CONCLUSION 28 REFERENCE LIST 29
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Relevance of the topic. A recent parliamentary round table has thought of the relationships between the UK and the US as of a ‘special relationship’ after President Trump’s visit in 2019. Participants reviewed the Council’s report named ‘A Special Relationship?’ in which the attitudes of the youngsters and young adults frоm the United Kingdom and America towards each other are explored thoughtfully. The record suggested this phrase being nearly four times as traction in the US as in the United Kingdom. What is more, the shared values and mutual attraction happen to be a perfect background for the underlying cultural proximity of these two countries which is cannot be doubted and appears to be strong as ever. According to social media analytics between 2016 and 2018, two-thirds of American social media mentions of the UK were concerned with culture, while less than a fifth concerned politics . The current and past actions of governments of both the United Kingdom and the United States of America are viewed as the 16th most significant factor in defining how appealing the youngsters of the above-mentioned countries think of each other. This happened to be especially striking due to the research being made during the aftermath of contentious votes following up the Brexit referendum and the US Election day in 2016.

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. BBC NEWS also mentioned that the idea of having "special relationship" with the US, based on a common language and cultural ties, sounds good for Britons . Respondents’ answers for the survey revealed that they found the other country the most attractive place to study overseas and the most attractive partner for trade and business . 69% Americans considered the UK to be a global power and classified it as ‘a force for good’. In the situation of cross-cultural interference and mutual attraction of British and American culture towards each other, we consider our topic a relevant one. Objective of the work. The objective of the given paper is to address cultural features common and different for American and British culture. The research will aim at allocating the most prominent facets of these cultures. Work priorities. Taking into account the goal we aim to achieve one can move to the work priorities. For better exploration of the objective, we have set a list of work priorities to give the detailed description to the chosen topic: 1. Review literature on the given topic; 2. Consider cultural, historical and language facets a country keeps up to; 3. Compare and contrast American and British culture. Research object. The research object is the cultures found in the United Kingdom and the United States. By saying culture, we imply that culture should be seen as a set of distinctive characteristics inherent in a society or social group - spiritual and material, intellectual and emotional - and that, in addition to art and literature, it encompasses a way of life, value systems, traditions and beliefs [1]. Subject matter. The subject matter is the most common American and British culture features. Methods. In the given paper, a set of complementary research methods is used. For example, we resort to comparative analysis, heuristic research method, implying the analysis of texts and cultural phenomenons, and inductive method. Pactical relevance. The study is useful for bringing new information into the theoretical base on the issue under study, and can also be used as a supporting material for the further development of the topic.

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After analyzing the additional literature on the chosen topic and studying the features of the lingua-cultural component of the American and British variants of the English language, we came to the conclusion about their undoubted interpenetration. The grammar and cultural distinctions are often blurred in the modern variants of the languages, as the British losing ground to the American version. For example, some articles are developing a tendency to be omitted and of the two spellings of the word the one that consists of a fewer letters is slowly becoming much preferable in spoken British English. Probably the reason partly lies in the fact that in our dynamic age, language naturally becomes more economical and energetic. But it can also be assumed that this kind changes in the language are a consequence of globalization. Due to our research it was stated that despite the difference existing between American and English cultures, native speakers generally have very little struggle in understanding each other. Of course, differences in nominations related to cultural realities are potential for a slight misunderstanding in the first minutes of a conversation, but the historical connection between English and American cultures helps native speakers quickly adapt to the changing language situation. Also, it must be noted that in the modern age, we are in the position to witness all the changes finding a way to both American and English language and developing the language complexity. No doubt that these culture penetrate, influence and enrich each other, however, there’s no room for a cultural authenticity to be lost. Quite the contrary, more advanced knowledge of an opposite culture helps people to attain a sense of the oneness of their culture.
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