Introduction 3 Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of stress in coherent speech 5 1.1 Features of verbal stress in the English language 5 1.2 Types of verbal stress 9 Conclusion on the first chapter 16 Chapter 2. Practical aspects of stress in coherent speech 17 2.1 Stress setting options 17 2.2. Practical analysis of the article 21 Conclusion for the second chapter 27 Conclusion 28 List of literature 30 Appendix 1. 32 Appendix 2 34 Appendix 3 36 Appendix 4 38 Appendix 5 41 Appendix 6 44

Variations of word stress in connected speech

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Introduction 3 Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of stress in coherent speech 5 1.1 Features of verbal stress in the English language 5 1.2 Types of verbal stress 9 Conclusion on the first chapter 16 Chapter 2. Practical aspects of stress in coherent speech 17 2.1 Stress setting options 17 2.2. Practical analysis of the article 21 Conclusion for the second chapter 27 Conclusion 28 List of literature 30 Appendix 1. 32 Appendix 2 34 Appendix 3 36 Appendix 4 38 Appendix 5 41 Appendix 6 44
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Mastering the skills of rhythmic and intonation design of sentences plays an important role in learning English. Since, in order to correctly formalize your speech, you need to know what factors determine the placement of stress in a sentence, what is characteristic of the rhythm of an English phrase, and how these two phenomena are related. The ability to place the phrasal stress and at the same time not to disrupt the rhythmic structure of speech is a sign of the speaker»s phonetic literacy.

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Therefore, students of English should be able to correctly convey the melody of English speech and place phrasal stress frоm the very first sentences spoken. Many people, having theoretical knowledge, need to learn a foreign language in practice. The relevance of this topic is due to the growing interest of linguists in the study of natural speech. The need for further study of the phonetic side of the real speech flow, as well as the lack of knowledge of the problem of phrasal stress and the rhythmic structure of the English phrase, indicates the relevance of conducting a special study of accent instability in terms of its conditionality to the communicative situation, in particular, spontaneous speech. English is one of the international languages of the world. It is spoken and studied by billions of people. However, when learning this language, people face one important problem – verbal stress. In English, verbal stress makes it possible to distinguish one part of speech frоm another, and there is often a problem of misunderstanding the purpose of a conversation between foreigners and native speakers due to incorrect stress setting. Distortions of percussive samples can interfere with the formation of a foreign accent. This is the relevance of this course work. The object is the word stress in English. Special attention is paid to the types of verbal stress. Therefore, the subject of the course work is a comparison of the types of accents on the sound correlation in a polysyllabic word The purpose of the course work is to study the types of verbal stress on the sound correlation in a polysyllabic word, as well as to identify trends in the use of these types on the example of speech samples. Tasks: 1. Describe the features of verbal stress in the English language. 2. Determine the factors that determine the place of verbal stress. 3. Consider the functions of stress in English. 4. Learn the degrees of stress; the place of stress in a word in English. 5. To trace the use of different types of stress, which are characterized by the sound correlation in a polysyllabic word in the English language on a practical example using speech samples. 6. Identify the tendency to use words with different types of stress on the sound correlation in a polysyllabic word. In this paper, the research material (speech sample) will be the speech of literary, political and scientific figures: J. K. Rowling, Theresa May, Tim Burness-Lee. When writing the course work, the synchronic (descriptive) method of research was used. Synchronous or synchronic linguistics studies the state of the language system at a certain stage of historical development. When performing this work, a sample of modern English colloquial speech is used. Of course, the paper uses one of the most common methods – the comparative method. The main purpose of comparison is to obtain new facts not only frоm various properties, objects or phenomena being compared, but also to analyze their various relationships. The course work compares the types of verbal stress in a specific speech sample of English colloquial speech. The paper uses methods of analysis of educational and scientific literature, statistical and analytical methods. As a theoretical basis, scientific and educational literature of such authors as A. A. Gorbachevsky, M. V. Evstifeeva, A.V. Zyryanova, N. A. Kurashkina, E. M. Morkulova, etc., and Internet sources are used. This course work can be useful in learning English, namely, in an in-depth study of the correct stress setting. The work consists of an introduction, which describes all the main aspects of this work, the main part, which studies the types of stress, their degrees, their functions and factors that determine the place of verbal stress, as well as the conclusion, which contains all the main conclusions on this work

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The analysis of the results obtained in linguistics to date allows linguists to conclude that rhythm is an integral characteristic of both poetic and prose literary works, its subsystem with its own logic of organization and thematic integrity. Speech rhythm is the frequency of similar and comparable speech phenomena. In speech, isochrony exists only at the level of perception. Periodicity in speech at the phonetic level is created by various factors: sound (segmental) and prosodic (suprasegmental). The sound periodicity can include the change of consonants and vowels, the repetition of identical sounds (alliteration, assonance) or groups of sounds, etc. The prosodic periodicity includes the use of certain tones, accent structures, melodic contours, etc. In most cases, this periodicity is not realized by either the speaker or the listener, but everyone feels it. This is especially evident in a live dialogue or polylogue, when the speakers, having tuned in to a certain rhythm, try to maintain it. Domestic and foreign researchers working on this problem have clearly shown that the overall picture of the rhythm in the work consists of specific rhythmic elements that manifest themselves in the speech fabric of the prose text. The rhythmic organization of a literary work ensures the coherence and integrity of the text, facilitates its perception and memorization, and creates an aesthetic effect. Thus, with the help of different research methods such as synchronic, comparative, statistical and analytical, all the intended tasks and goals were fulfilled in this course work. The features of verbal stress in the English language were characterized, the factors determining the place of verbal stress were determined, its functions were considered, as well as the degree and place of stress in the word. On specific speech samples, the use of different types of stress, which are characterized by the sound correlation in a polysyllabic word in the English language, was considered. And finally, the trend of their use was revealed. According to the revealed trend, words with secondary stress will have the greatest distribution in the narrative on political topics. Words with a third-degree accent will prevail in scientific topics containing technical terms. That is, the regularity of the use of words with different types of accents on the sound correlation depends on the chosen topic of the narrator. This study can be useful in the study of the English language, specifically, in an in-depth study of the correct setting of stress, since in English, verbal stress allows you to distinguish one part of speech frоm another. Sometimes, due to the wrong emphasis, the meaning of the conversation or the delivery of some important information may be distorted. Therefore, people who study this language need to pay special attention to this problem. In this paper, such phonetic phenomena as the stress and rhythm of an English phrase were considered and analyzed. In the course of the study, a number of tasks were performed, one of which was to study the accent and rhythmic design of English speech. As a result, it turned out that in English, phrasal stress and rhythm play an important role in the design of speech: they are a means of displaying a structuring, text-forming and expressive-emotional function. In accordance with the tasks set, the following conclusions were formulated: 1. The rhythm is considered as a uniform alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables. Native speakers are not aware of the rhythm of their speech (just as they, for example, do not think about the accent in the words of their native language): the rhythm is realized by the speaker and perceived by the listener automatically. However, as a phenomenon of speech, rhythm has certain functions (organizing, aesthetic, meaning-forming), the implementation of which, along with the influence of linguistic and extralinguistic factors, also determines its nature and features in a particular type of speech activity. 2. Most phonetists agree that the placement of stress in a sentence is primarily due to semantic and syntactic factors: by highlighting a certain syllable in a word, phrasal stress distinguishes the entire word as a whole unit, but not every word in the sentence is emphasized. Phrasal stress is usually given to the words that are most important in terms of content. 3. The analysis of the phonetic structure of the sentence shows that the accent structure of the word can to a certain extent determine the placement of stress in the phrase. At the same time, the rhythmic organization of a phrase in English can change the degree and place of verbal stress, and create new variants of accent structures. 4. English is a language with a rhythmic accent. Phrasal stress is to some extent determined by the rhythmic organization of the sentence, the rhythmic speech skills of native speakers of a given language. Phrasal stress is closely related to rhythm, since in order to preserve the rhythmic structure of speech, very often there is an increase or decrease in verbal or phrasal stress. And for the phonetic literacy of the speaker, it is important to be able to place the phrasal stress and at the same time not to disrupt the rhythmic structure of speech. So, the results of our research have shown that the study and further mastery of such means of speech design as phrasal stress and speech rhythm is an important stage in the formation of English language skills. For the correct design of speech, you need to know the features of the placement of stress in an English sentence and the rhythmic structure of the phrase. Thus, when learning English, much attention should be paid to the correct accent-rhythmic organization of speech.
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The analysis of the results obtained in linguistics to date allows linguists to conclude that rhythm is an integral characteristic of both poetic and prose literary works, its subsystem with its own logic of organization and thematic integrity. Speech rhythm is the frequency of similar and comparable speech phenomena. In speech, isochrony exists only at the level of perception. Periodicity in speech at the phonetic level is created by various factors: sound (segmental) and prosodic (suprasegmental). The sound periodicity can include the change of consonants and vowels, the repetition of identical sounds (alliteration, assonance) or groups of sounds, etc. The prosodic periodicity includes the use of certain tones, accent structures, melodic contours, etc. In most cases, this periodicity is not realized by either the speaker or the listener, but everyone feels it. This is especially evident in a live dialogue or polylogue, when the speakers, having tuned in to a certain rhythm, try to maintain it. Domestic and foreign researchers working on this problem have clearly shown that the overall picture of the rhythm in the work consists of specific rhythmic elements that manifest themselves in the speech fabric of the prose text. The rhythmic organization of a literary work ensures the coherence and integrity of the text, facilitates its perception and memorization, and creates an aesthetic effect. Thus, with the help of different research methods such as synchronic, comparative, statistical and analytical, all the intended tasks and goals were fulfilled in this course work. The features of verbal stress in the English language were characterized, the factors determining the place of verbal stress were determined, its functions were considered, as well as the degree and place of stress in the word. On specific speech samples, the use of different types of stress, which are characterized by the sound correlation in a polysyllabic word in the English language, was considered. And finally, the trend of their use was revealed. According to the revealed trend, words with secondary stress will have the greatest distribution in the narrative on political topics. Words with a third-degree accent will prevail in scientific topics containing technical terms. That is, the regularity of the use of words with different types of accents on the sound correlation depends on the chosen topic of the narrator. This study can be useful in the study of the English language, specifically, in an in-depth study of the correct setting of stress, since in English, verbal stress allows you to distinguish one part of speech frоm another. Sometimes, due to the wrong emphasis, the meaning of the conversation or the delivery of some important information may be distorted. Therefore, people who study this language need to pay special attention to this problem. In this paper, such phonetic phenomena as the stress and rhythm of an English phrase were considered and analyzed. In the course of the study, a number of tasks were performed, one of which was to study the accent and rhythmic design of English speech. As a result, it turned out that in English, phrasal stress and rhythm play an important role in the design of speech: they are a means of displaying a structuring, text-forming and expressive-emotional function. In accordance with the tasks set, the following conclusions were formulated: 1. The rhythm is considered as a uniform alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables. Native speakers are not aware of the rhythm of their speech (just as they, for example, do not think about the accent in the words of their native language): the rhythm is realized by the speaker and perceived by the listener automatically. However, as a phenomenon of speech, rhythm has certain functions (organizing, aesthetic, meaning-forming), the implementation of which, along with the influence of linguistic and extralinguistic factors, also determines its nature and features in a particular type of speech activity. 2. Most phonetists agree that the placement of stress in a sentence is primarily due to semantic and syntactic factors: by highlighting a certain syllable in a word, phrasal stress distinguishes the entire word as a whole unit, but not every word in the sentence is emphasized. Phrasal stress is usually given to the words that are most important in terms of content. 3. The analysis of the phonetic structure of the sentence shows that the accent structure of the word can to a certain extent determine the placement of stress in the phrase. At the same time, the rhythmic organization of a phrase in English can change the degree and place of verbal stress, and create new variants of accent structures. 4. English is a language with a rhythmic accent. Phrasal stress is to some extent determined by the rhythmic organization of the sentence, the rhythmic speech skills of native speakers of a given language. Phrasal stress is closely related to rhythm, since in order to preserve the rhythmic structure of speech, very often there is an increase or decrease in verbal or phrasal stress. And for the phonetic literacy of the speaker, it is important to be able to place the phrasal stress and at the same time not to disrupt the rhythmic structure of speech. So, the results of our research have shown that the study and further mastery of such means of speech design as phrasal stress and speech rhythm is an important stage in the formation of English language skills. For the correct design of speech, you need to know the features of the placement of stress in an English sentence and the rhythmic structure of the phrase. Thus, when learning English, much attention should be paid to the correct accent-rhythmic organization of speech.
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