Introduction 3 1. Skopos theory: concept and purpose 4 1.1. Essence of Skopos Theory 4 1.2. Skopos translation rules 5 1.3. The concept of equivalence in skopos theory 6 1.4. Skopos translation action theory 8 2. Using Skopos Theory in the Translation Process 11 2.1. Literary translation 11 2.1. Commercial translation 13 Conclusion 18 List of references 20

Skopos theory

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2021 год
76 просмотров
Ирина Я.
Эксперт по предмету «Переводоведение»
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Introduction 3 1. Skopos theory: concept and purpose 4 1.1. Essence of Skopos Theory 4 1.2. Skopos translation rules 5 1.3. The concept of equivalence in skopos theory 6 1.4. Skopos translation action theory 8 2. Using Skopos Theory in the Translation Process 11 2.1. Literary translation 11 2.1. Commercial translation 13 Conclusion 18 List of references 20
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Relevance. The understanding of the translation process has qualitatively changed in the modern era. Thanks to the spread of new technologies and the increasing role of the media, translation relations today cover almost all spheres of human life. Translation activity, in turn, leads to the emergence of new translation tasks that require the search for appropriate translation strategies and solutions.

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. Skopos' theory is today one of the most significant areas of translation theory. The main aspect of the skopos theory is the principle of loyalty. This principle is that the translator is obliged to take into account the specifics of cultural norms, despite the fact that RMS allows the choice of any purpose of translation and assumes the possibility of the existence of different translations of the same source text. The main advantages of the skopos theory theory are considered to be its solid foundations for the theoretical analysis of all types of translation. This theory does not distinguish between correct and incorrect translations, it makes it possible to choose between its various models and evaluate each translation according to the criteria that suit it. The thesis of this research is that the skopos theory can be used for translations of different styles and genres of text, regardless of their function. The aim of this study is to examine the possibilities of the skopos theory. Based on this goal, the following key questions were identified: 1. Consider the essence of skopos theory. 2. To study the rules of its functioning. 3. Explore the concept of equivalence in the skopos theory. 4. To study the theory of action of the skopos theory. 5. Consider the possibility of applying the skopos theory in the translation of literary text. 6. To study the possibilities of the skopos theory in the translation of advertising text. The material for this research was: the work of Alexander Pushkin “Eugene Onegin” and its translations into English, as well as modern advertising slogans. The research used methods of analysis, synthesis, classification, study of scientific literature, the method of continuous sampling, the method of comparative analysis. The study consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of sources used. 

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Undoubtedly, the functional theory of translation, created on the basis of the skopos theory, is a new word in translation studies, which has not yet received a decent assessment. Meanwhile, the provisions formulated by her can serve as a reliable tool for comprehending the essence of translation as an activity that is not carried out by itself, i.e. not only because the translator translates a certain text, but because the translator translates the text with a specific purpose, and this goal does not always coincide with the purpose of the original author. Skopos theory opens a new direction of research, covers the entire range of functions performed by a translator, sets the task of describing the various goals of translation activities, emphasizes the importance and prestige of the translator's work. The subsequent formation and development of the communicative-functional approach to translation confirmed the productivity of the skopos theory. In the course of our work, we achieved our goal and confirmed the thesis. And also the following conclusions were obtained: 1. Skopos' theory is one of the fundamental concepts of translation studies. The core of Scopos theory is that in both oral and written translation, the focus should be on the function of both the original and the target text. This theory requires a revision of the nature of the relationship between the original and the translated text. 2. There are three basic rules of Skopos theory. The first rule is that the target text invariably falls back to the translation action function in any style. The second rule emphasizes the importance of the relationship between the source and target text and their functions in the respective linguocultural contexts. The third rule requires intertextual consistency between the source and target texts, since target texts are created according to the information offered by the source texts. 3. The notion of equivalence in their theory has become problematic in communicative and functional approaches to translation. Linguistic approaches to translation were imperfect, and the existing translation problems would be problematic to solve. Thus, the general theory of skopos was taken as the basis for functional theories with reference to the existing theory of action. Skopos' theory does see things differently frоm equivalence theory. Differences are observed in matters of text function and effect, as well as in matters of cultural distance and interpretation. 4. Skopos's theory of action is pretty simple. The first thing a translator has to do is define the translation task. Before starting work, the translator must clearly understand what he is going to create and how the text will be used. Action theory underlies Skopos theory in the sense that every action is conditioned by a goal. Skopos' theory also does not require the adoption of any specific principle for the translation committee, leaving translators with the decisive power to choose frоm a variety of strategies. 5. Translation of a literary text as a research aspect is distinguished by a fairly wide range of problems of particular interest. Skopos's theory plays a special role in modern translation discourse, in particular, in the translation of fiction. Due to the existence of the skopos theory, the question of which strategy to choose: a copy of the original text or a copy of the translated text is not the only decision of the translator. 6. The language of advertising is an important linguistic structure that shapes the perception of the information offered. Slogans are a very special type of text, for the translation and adaptation of which the translator will have to put a lot of effort. Modern translation is notable for its pragmatism. The study revealed a tendency to translate advertising slogans without taking into account the areas of application, but we consider it necessary to emphasize that with a more detailed study of Skopos's theory, a translator can present effective advertising slogans that can meet the expectations of both the manufacturing company and the consumer.
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1. База слоганов [сайт]. – Режим доступа: (дата обращения 05.02.21). 2. Десницкий, А. С. Теория перевода после Ю. Найды: скопос вместо эквивалента [Электронный ресурс] / А. С. Десницкий. – 2018. – Режим доступа: (дата обращения 03.02.21). 3. Джабраилова, В. С., Безух, А. Э. Скопос-теория как фактор прагматической адаптации при переводе слоганов коммерческой рекламы с английского языка на русский / В. С. Джабраилова, А. Э. Безух // Филологические науки. Вопросы теории и практики. – 2017. – №4-2. – С. 92-95. 4. Лядова, Н. А., Кушнина, Л. В. Переводческие стратегии: скопос текста оригинала vs скопос текста перевода / Н. А. Лядова, Л. В. Кушнина // Филологические науки. Вопросы теории и практики. – 2015. – №4-1. – С. 110-113. 5. Пушкин, А. С. Стихотворения. Евгений Онегин / А. С. Пушкин. – М.: Детская литература, 1972. – 269 с. 6. Munday, J. Introducing Translation Studies. Theories and Applications. – 4th Edition. – 2016. – P. 127-139. 7. Pushkin A. Eugene Onegin / Ch. Johnston translation. – N. Y.: Penguin Group, 1977. – 345 р. 8. Pushkin А. Eugene Onegin / V. Nabokov translation. – N. Y.: Bollingen Foundation, 1964. – 234 р.
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