INTRODUCTION 4 CHAPTER 1. THE ESSENCE OF EUPHEMIA AND THE MAIN APPROACHES TO ITS STUDY 6 1.1 Definition of euphemism 6 1.2 Classification of euphemisms 9 Conclusion on the first chapter 12 CHAPTER 2. THE USE OF EUPHEMISMS IN THE LANGUAGE OF THE MEDIA 13 2.1 Linguistic and stylistic features of language media 13 2.2 Euphemisms in the language of the press 16 Conclusion on the second chapter 19 CHAPTER 3. USE OF EUPHEMISMS IN THE BRITISH AND FRENCH MEDIA 20 3.1 Euphemisms in the language of the English-language press 20 3.2 Euphemisms in the language of the French press 24 Conclusion on the third chapter 30 CONCLUSION 31 BIBLIOGRAPHIC LIST 34

Features of euphemisms usage in British and French media

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INTRODUCTION 4 CHAPTER 1. THE ESSENCE OF EUPHEMIA AND THE MAIN APPROACHES TO ITS STUDY 6 1.1 Definition of euphemism 6 1.2 Classification of euphemisms 9 Conclusion on the first chapter 12 CHAPTER 2. THE USE OF EUPHEMISMS IN THE LANGUAGE OF THE MEDIA 13 2.1 Linguistic and stylistic features of language media 13 2.2 Euphemisms in the language of the press 16 Conclusion on the second chapter 19 CHAPTER 3. USE OF EUPHEMISMS IN THE BRITISH AND FRENCH MEDIA 20 3.1 Euphemisms in the language of the English-language press 20 3.2 Euphemisms in the language of the French press 24 Conclusion on the third chapter 30 CONCLUSION 31 BIBLIOGRAPHIC LIST 34
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Relevance. Language is a social phenomenon. Any language system functions and develops in society, serving certain goals of human communication, therefore, with the development of society, the entire language system develops, including all its components. For this reason, the study of "language in action", i.e. in speech, has recently become relevant.

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. Euphemisms are one of the most revealing sources of information about the cultural and social preferences of the language tradition of native speakers, recording traditional methods of replacement and registering the most insignificant changes, reflecting the peculiarities of the public assessment of reality. This thesis is devoted to the study of the features of the use of euphemisms in modern British media as a means of displaying public life in the language. Euphemism is a complex of linguistic means aimed at shifting the emotional dominant of an utterance in order to hide or disguise a stigmatized concept. many modern euphemisms are the result of the emergence and consolidation in the public consciousness of new socio-political doctrines (primarily the doctrine of political correctness). At the same time, euphemisms, on the one hand, reflect the changes in public consciousness that have already occurred, and on the other hand, they themselves contribute to the spread and consolidation of new ideas in society. Euphemia is a complex linguistic, social, and cognitive phenomenon. studies on the processes of euphemization are available in lexicology, sociolinguistics, and pragmatics. The relevance of the work is due to the interest in the study of the functioning of language in society; the problems of language as a means of language communication; various aspects of the use of language as an instrument of human communication; ways to reflect changes in the consciousness and life of society, changes in cultural and social values. Euphemisms are widely used in socially significant areas of speech activity, primarily in the media. euphemism is used intensively to soften or mask the presentation of events that can cause alarm, fear, and even public protest. In addition, euphemisms have great social significance, reflect changes in the explanation of a certain social phenomenon, a new perspective for its consideration, contain a new moral and ethical assessment of the phenomenon, and indicate a change in social guidelines in this area of human life. Тhe object of the study is the phenomenon of euphemization. The subject of the study is the peculiarities of the use of euphemisms in the British and French media. The purpose of this work is to study the peculiarities of the use of euphemisms in the British and French media. Achieving this goal involves performing the following tasks  learning studying the definition of euphemisms;  learning study of different classifications of euphemisms;  analysis of the main goals and functions of euphemisms in speech;  definition defining the main areas of euphemisms;  detection identification of the main functional features of the texts of British and French media;  analysis of euphemisms in the texts of author's articles frоm the point of view of political correctness. In this work, the following research methods were used: the study of scientific literature, the method of selеction and analysis of information, systematization of the obtained data. The material for the study was the author's articles of British and French newspapers. The novelty of the study is determined by the fact that euphemistic units have been extracted frоm British newspapers over the past two years. The theoretical significance lies in the analysis of the processes occurring in the English language, identifying changes in socio-cultural realities in recent years. Practical value - in the possibility of using euphemistic units in the courses of lexicology, stylistics and linguistics. The structure of the work is determined by the subject, purpose and objectives of the study. the work consists of an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion.

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With the emergence of the phenomenon of political correctness in the culture, the use of euphemisms has become widespread in various media. A prominent representative of the media is the newspaper. The language of the newspaper reflects changes in all spheres of public life much faster than the written language of other functional styles. With the help of a newspaper text, you can trace the main trends of euphemia. After analyzing the theoretical material, we were able to find out the following: The prerequisite for the emergence of euphemisms is taboo. A euphemia is a lexical replacement of a word or expression that is rude and inappropriate in a particular situation with another word or expression that has a positive connotation. Euphemisms can be classified based on various criteria. The criteria of fixity in language and thematic feature, in our opinion, represent the main criteria for the classification of euphemisms. Euphemisms perform the following functions: softening the rude and unpleasant for the speaker, softening the rude and unpleasant for the interlocutor, and masking reality. The main areas of euphemization are personal and socio – political. The main functions of the newspaper-journalistic or media style to which the newspaper belongs are informative and impactful. These functions are implemented through the language. The vocabulary of the media style is characterized by the use of both neutral and emotional-evaluative words, figurative means of expression, including euphemisms. Newspapers use common language / constant euphemisms, since all words of the newspaper text should be understandable for everyone and do not require explanations. After analyzing the material of the author's articles of British newspapers, we were able to find out the following/ In the texts of newspapers, indeed, euphemisms related to the personal and socio-political sphere are used. This fact can be evidenced by the language units we found that belong to the following thematic groups:  politically correct language units that exclude racial and ethnic discrimination;  politically correct language units created to raise the status of women;  politically correct language units that mitigate age discrimination;  politically correct language units that name mental and physical disabilities;  politically correct language units associated with poverty and financial hardship;  politically correct language units related to business and economics;  politically correct language units related to politics and armed conflicts. Groups 1-4 belong to both the personal and socio-political sphere, while groups 5 and 6 belong only to the socio – political sphere. The absence of speech / occasional euphemisms in the texts of author's articles indicates that the authors use common language / permanent euphemisms. We assumed that non-politically correct units predominate in the texts of author's articles, but we managed to find the opposite. Analysis of the quantitative ratio of politically correct and politically incorrect terms in the texts of author's articles of the British press showed that author's articles adhere to the norms of communication with different groups of people, because in our material we found a much larger number of politically correct language units than their non-politically correct counterparts. This work has the prospect of further research. The thesis examines personal and socio-political euphemisms and their politically incorrect counterparts in newspaper texts of author's articles of the British press. It would be interesting to consider these same classes in the press of other English-speaking countries, to identify similarities and differences in the use of euphemistic language units. The data obtained allow us to conclude that each class has its own most productive ways and means of euphemization. But at the same time, it should be noted that for all four groups as a whole, the most important level of implementation of euphemism in speech is still the lexico-semantic level, at which the main processes that contribute to the euphemization of speech occur. Speaking about the ways and means of forming euphemisms, it should be noted that they are usually considered as nominative units equivalent to the word and regularly reproduced in speech, i.e. they are analyzed mainly at the lexical level. However, the manifestations of euphemia are not limited to replacing one word with another. The communicator can use certain graphic signs, phonetic substitutions, word-forming affixes in order to reduce the emotional tension of the utterance, and can syntactically construct the phrase more gently. thus, euphemism in some cases is not a phenomenon of the lexical level, but a special stylistic technique that is achieved by various means and implemented at different language levels (phonetic, morphological, lexical-semantic, syntactic and even graphic). It was also determined that most of the euphemistic phrases in the newspaper-journalistic style are used to manipulate the audience. And can you explain the choice of the main lexical-semantic level of effeminacy, what manipulative effect, aimed at conscious and unconscious sphere of personality, is carried out by means of specially selеcted lexical units filled with special semantics and questionable (right arm) Association. In addition, the language is constantly dynamically developing, new ways of euphemization appear. So, for example, we have identified a way of transferring a real, objective image to a semantic meaning: "in envelopes" - in the meaning of "give a bribe". So, euphemisms, being not only a linguistic, but also a cultural phenomenon, are a reflection of the values of modern cultures. On the basis of some outdated euphemisms and their comparison with new ones, it is possible to trace changes in the value attitudes of the cultures under consideration, which, in turn, allow us to consider political correctness as its new value and reference point in speech behavior, as well as as a means of observing a polite behavior strategy and avoiding verbal aggression that can turn into a communicative conflict. The study of euphemisms, methods and reasons for their formation, of course, can be considered one of the most promising areas in modern linguistics. An additional area of research can be a comparative analysis of euphemisms and ways of their formation in Russian and German. In the light of the fact that there is no tradition of compiling a dictionary of euphemisms in Russian lexicography to date, this goal seems all the more relevant. In addition, the continuation of the study of euphemisms not only in the language, but also in the socio-cultural context, using the methods of cultural studies and sociology, will probably allow us to supplement the theory of linguistics and intercultural communication with new data. In conclusion, it should be said that euphemisms are not only a characteristic, but also a "legitimate" means of linguistic expression, which has a clear normative status: they are used when (in those situations and contexts) the speakers ' linguistic taste, their idea of moral and ethical values dictate the need to replace direct nominations with indirect ones. At the same time, euphemisms can serve as an indicator of certain stereotypes that exist in a given society at a given time: very often, what is called directly in some social conditions, in other, changed conditions and in another era requires euphemic designations. When studying euphemisms, the linguist should consider and analyze not only the euphemistic expressions themselves, but also the socio-cultural background on which the need for this method of nomination arises. It should be taken into account that, unlike ordinary vocabulary, euphemisms are extremely sensitive to public assessments of certain phenomena, both "decent" and "indecent". This is related to the historical variability of the status of euphemism: what appears to be a good euphemistic name for one generation may be regarded in subsequent generations as an unmistakable and unacceptable rudeness that requires a new euphemistic replacement.
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