Introduction.............................................................................................................3 Chapter 1. Lexicology as a linguistic discipline.....................................................5 1.1. Subject and tasks of lexicology........................................................................5 Chapter 2. Development of lexicology as a linguistic discipline.......................7 Conclusion........................................................................................................9 List of references.....................................................................................................10

Исторические этапы возникновения и развития лексикологии как лингвистической дисциплины

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2020 год
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Introduction.............................................................................................................3 Chapter 1. Lexicology as a linguistic discipline.....................................................5 1.1. Subject and tasks of lexicology........................................................................5 Chapter 2. Development of lexicology as a linguistic discipline.......................7 Conclusion........................................................................................................9 List of references.....................................................................................................10
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Modern society develops due to language and communication. It is the modern language that is the product of a long, diachronic development, which undergoes changes due to various reasons. Nowadays, linguistic scientists pay great attention to the study of such a branch of linguistics as lexicology. Lexicology is the science of the word. We do not know everything about the origin of languages, and, consequently, words, so their study is relevant.

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. Lexicon and lexical units are the most mobile layer of the language, which depends on changes in the social, cultural, political and other spheres of society. In addition to the semantic structure, the lexical units of any language have a certain stylistic coloration, due to the sphere of use of words. The relevance of our work is determined by the fact that lexicology as a linguistic science takes active positions in the system of languages. Thus, a significant impact on the functioning of truly linguistic units of a particular language is carried out, as well as the significance of the borrowing process as a way of adapting other languages to changed conditions of existence. The object of the research is lexicology as a linguistic discipline. The subject of this research is the historical stages of the emergence and development of lexicology as a linguistic discipline. The purpose of this essay is to identify the features of the emergence and development of lexicology. The objectives of the given course work are: - define and study the term "lexicology"; - to study the stages of the formation of lexicology, its types; - to explore the process of the formation of lexicology as a linguistic discipline. The research methods include the following: descriptive and comparative analysis; continuous sampling method; method of working with scientific literature; statistical analysis. For the study, we will use the works of both domestic and foreign linguists, such as: Belyaeva T.M., Vinogradov, Antrushina G.B., Ginzburg R.Z., Arnold I.V., Hornby A.S. Among the achievements of soviet lexicology, the development of a typology of word meanings (Vinogradov) [2], the doctrine of lexical and semantic variants of a word (Smirnitsky) [6], and an intermediate link in the development of dictionary meanings (Budagov) should also be indicated. These studies contributed to the acquisition of a reliable theoretical basis by the problem of polesemy. While studying the word as a unit of language and vocabulary in its synchronicity, Soviet linguists also paid attention to the field of etymology (O. Trubachev), historical lexicology (Filin), history of the vocabulary of the literary language (Y. S. Sorokin) [4]. This work consists of two chapters. The first chapter gives us a look at the theoretical aspects of lexicology as a linguistic discipline. The second chapter is devoted to the description of the origin and development of lexicology. There, we will consider the features and dynamics of the development of lexicology and vocabulary. The practical significance of the work: the material of this course work can be used in lectures and practical classes on the topic of the history of the language, seminars, scientific conferences.

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Considering lexicology as a linguistic discipline, its impact on the entire language system is observed. Without studying the lexical composition, it is impossible to study other patterns and functions of the language. Vocabulary is the central level of the organization of the language system, the most detailed and massive display of changes in the semantic areas of society, as well as system-wide restructuring in the language. Of particular importance are lexical data for building a systemic picture of the functioning and development of languages, identifying the processes of forming their systems. Exploring vocabulary as a system, lexicology has in mind the interaction between the meanings of words and concepts. In lexicology, a word is considered, first of all, frоm the point of view of the meaning, meaning and connections of this word with other words. Thus, lexicology is based on the data of historical disciplines - the study of written monuments helps to understand the ways of development of the lexical composition of the language, the connection of language with the development of society; associated with stylistics, in which the stylistic resources of the language are studied in more detail, including lexical; with linguistic analysis of the text, since, first of all, lexemes are directly connotatively marked units, they act as the main text-forming means.
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1. Amosova N. N. Fundamentals of English phraseology. - M., URSS, 2009, p.206. 2. Vinogradov V.V. The main types of lexical meanings of the word // Questions of linguistics. 1953, No. 5, p. 160. 3. Gvishiani N.B. Modern English language. Lexicology. - M., Moscow State University, 2000; Academy, 2007, p.221. 4. J. Lions. Language and linguistics (chap. 5 - 10). - M., URSS, 2004 p.320. 5. Minaeva L.V. English lexicology and lexicography. - M., 2003, p.224. 6. Smirnitskiy A.I. Lexicology of the English language. - M., 1956, p.260. 7. Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary [Electronic resource] // (access date: 24.11.2020).
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