Introduction 3 Gestures 3 Facial expressions 4 Touch 4 Appearance 5 Features of the perception of space and time 6 Conclusion 7 References 8
Московская международная академия

Невербальная коммуникация. Non-verbal communication

8 страниц
98% уникальность
2024 год
27 просмотров
Ибрагимова М.
Эксперт по предмету «Межкультурная коммуникация»
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Language and speech are a great way to communicate with people, to understand each other and to reach an agreement. But besides language and speech there are some other ways to understand a companion, especially it’s important when you deal with a foreigner. And we can call them means of non-verbal communication. Nonverbal communication in human society includes all forms of information transmission without the help of language. This is communication and exchange of information using “body language”. Nonverbal means of communication are expressed in clothing, hairstyle, facial expressions, posture, and objects surrounding a person. Recognizing and understanding such behavior promotes the highest degree of mutual understanding. Such information allows us to understand the mood, experiences, expectations, feelings, intentions, as well as moral and personal qualities of communicating people. Let’s look at the most common means of non-verbal communication.
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Gestures are various movements of the hands and head. Sign language is the most ancient way of achieving mutual understanding. The specific meaning of individual gestures varies across cultures. So we are so used to the generally accepted meaning of gestures that, once abroad, we can find ourselves in a very awkward situation. For example, the gesture “OK” is perceived positively and implies that everything is in order in Russia, the USA, Australia, Great Britain and Canada, but in France it expresses negative emotions and means that the subject of conversation is not worth any attention. In Brazil, this is how the backside is shown, and in Turkey and Greece this gesture is used if they want to talk about a person’s non-traditional orientation. If in Australia, Europe or the USA you beckon someone with your finger, you will be clearly understood, perceiving this gesture as a beckoning gesture. But in Asia it is a sign of strong insult. In the Philippines, you can even go to jail for it: there you use your finger to call animals or an interlocutor who is not respected.
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In conclusion, it should be mentioned that we mustn’t underestimate non-verbal means of communication because it’s a very important source of information about our interlocutor, his personality, his feeling and emotions. They also help to establish contact with foreigners, prepare for a trip to another country. Although non-verbal communication is often an unconscious process, it is now quite well studied and can be successfully controlled to achieve the desired effect. Understanding the intricacies of body language can improve and simplify your relationships with people around you.
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1. Вяземский Ф. Жесты, которые воспринимают по-разному в разных странах мира [Электронный ресурс]: Режим доступа: (дата обращения: 10.02.2024). 2. Межнациональные различия в мимике и жестах [Электронный ресурс]: Режим доступа: (дата обращения: 10.02.2024). 3. Морозов В.П. Искусство и наука общения: невербальная коммуникация: ИП РАН, Центр «Искусство и наука». – М., 2010. – 63 с. 4. Al-Quaderi I., Alduais A., Sui Li Wang. Non-verbal communication across cultures: a case study of Chinese, Polish, Turkish and (Yemeni) Arabic cultures // Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. – № 3. – 2017. – 10 p. 5. Orland R. What Does Non-verbal Communication Look Like Across Cultures? – 2023 [Электронный ресурс]: Режим доступа: (дата обращения: 10.02.2024). 6. Silungwe W.W. Nonverbal Communication Across Cultures // International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research. – Vol. 7, Issue 3. – 2021. – pp. 339-346.
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