INTRODUCTION 5 CHAPTER 1: OVERVIEW OF COMMUNICATIVE PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE 7 1.1 Definition and Characteristics of Communicative Phraseological Units 7 1.2 Importance of Articles in the English Language 14 1.3 Interplay between Articles and Phraseological Units 23 Summary of Results 28 CHAPTER 2: ANALYSIS OF THE ARTICLE IN PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS IN "THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY" 29 2.1 Brief Overview of “The Picture of Dorian Gray” 29 2.2 Instances of Phraseological Units in the Novel 35 2.3 Implications for English Language Learners and Teachers 38 Results and Discussion 39 CHAPTER 3: FEATURES OF EXERCISES FOR STUDYING ENGLISH AT THE BEGINNER LEVEL 41 3.1 Significance of Tailored Exercises for Beginners 41 3.2 Characteristics of Effective Beginner-level Exercises 44 3.3 Sample Exercises Based on Phraseological Units frоm the Novel 46 Results and Recommendations 57 CONCLUSION 59 REFERENCES 61 APPENDIX: ANSWER KEYS TO THE EXERCISES 69

The Role of the Article in the Communicative Phraseological Units of the English Language Based on the Novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde

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INTRODUCTION 5 CHAPTER 1: OVERVIEW OF COMMUNICATIVE PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE 7 1.1 Definition and Characteristics of Communicative Phraseological Units 7 1.2 Importance of Articles in the English Language 14 1.3 Interplay between Articles and Phraseological Units 23 Summary of Results 28 CHAPTER 2: ANALYSIS OF THE ARTICLE IN PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS IN "THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY" 29 2.1 Brief Overview of “The Picture of Dorian Gray” 29 2.2 Instances of Phraseological Units in the Novel 35 2.3 Implications for English Language Learners and Teachers 38 Results and Discussion 39 CHAPTER 3: FEATURES OF EXERCISES FOR STUDYING ENGLISH AT THE BEGINNER LEVEL 41 3.1 Significance of Tailored Exercises for Beginners 41 3.2 Characteristics of Effective Beginner-level Exercises 44 3.3 Sample Exercises Based on Phraseological Units frоm the Novel 46 Results and Recommendations 57 CONCLUSION 59 REFERENCES 61 APPENDIX: ANSWER KEYS TO THE EXERCISES 69
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Relevance. In the contemporary interconnected world, English has risen as a widely accepted global means of communication. The intricacy and sophistication of this language become evident in its expressions, specifically, in its 'Communicative Phraseological Units' (CPUs). Nevertheless, the subtle application of articles within these CPUs frequently presents difficulties for individuals striving to acquire proficiency. Oscar Wilde's literary work, "The Picture of Dorian Gray," offers an excellent opportunity to investigate this complex association due to its abundant array of idiomatic phrases and linguistic subtleties. Objective. The fundamental aim of this study is to thoroughly investigate the role played by articles in the context of CPUs within the English language and to scrutinize their application in connection with "The Picture of Dorian Gray." Tasks.

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Outline and clarify the attributes of Communicative Phraseological Units within the English language. Investigate the importance and function of articles in the English linguistic system. Evaluate occurrences of CPUs in "The Picture of Dorian Gray," placing particular emphasis on the utilization of articles. Formulate specialized exercises designed for novice-level learners derived frоm research outcomes, guaranteeing the practical implementation of theoretical knowledge. An evaluation of the prevailing status of the issue at hand indicates some gaps. The significance of determiners in communicative phraseological structures within English, particularly when manifest in literary compositions, persists as a delicate and insufficiently studied field. Even with the omnipresence of such determiners and their unquestionable influence on connotation and comprehension of expressions, few scholarly pursuits seem to address their complex interactions, notably in the realm of literature. Object. The central focus of this investigation pertains to the English language, specifically highlighting its phraseological elements. Subject. The particular focus of this investigation centers on the interaction of articles within Communicative Phraseological Units, as exemplified in Wilde's "The Picture of Dorian Gray." The research centers on the issue of the frequently underestimated importance of articles in interpreting and comprehending CPUs, notably in literature, and the consequences this holds for language learners and instructors. Authors studied... Previous research conducted by linguists and philologists, including various scholars, has explored the field of English phraseology. Their studies have laid the foundation for comprehending fixed expressions. However, there exists an unaddressed gap in the examination of the nuanced function of articles within these expressions, particularly in literary contexts. The materials under investigation encompass Oscar Wilde's novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray," numerous linguistic and philological journals, educational materials, and introductory-level English language textbooks. The methodology employed will involve a blend of qualitative content analysis and comparative linguistic analysis. The former will be utilized to detect and categorize instances of CPUs in the novel, while the latter will aid in contrasting and comprehending the intricacies of article usage within these units. The research comprises three primary chapters. The initial chapter furnishes an overview of Communicative Phraseological Units in English. The second chapter provides an in-depth examination of the article's function in these units, with examples drawn frоm "The Picture of Dorian Gray." The third chapter is dedicated to crafting exercises tailored for novice-level English learners, derived frоm the insights garnered through the analysis. Within the aforementioned framework, this study aspires to furnish a comprehensive comprehension of the connection between articles and CPUs in the English language, presenting both theoretical insights and practical applications for language instruction and acquisition.

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This study delved into the relationship between articles, communicative phraseological units, and their depiction in Oscar Wilde's "The Picture of Dorian Gray." Key findings include the significance of these units in conveying messages, the vital role of articles in the English language, and the depth of linguistic constructs in Wilde's work. The research also emphasized the importance of tailored exercises for English beginners and the potential of using literature as a learning tool. In essence, integrating literature with teaching strategies offers a comprehensive and engaging approach to English language education. This study emphasizes the importance of integrating grammar, vocabulary, and literature in English language teaching. It suggests a holistic approach, valuing literature like "The Picture of Dorian Gray" for its rich linguistic context. Key recommendations include enhancing curriculum design to emphasize the role of articles, using authentic materials for teaching, and creating tailored learning paths to cater to various proficiency levels. The study highlights the importance of interactive learning, using literature as a versatile tool, accommodating various learning styles, fostering analytical thinking, and promoting continuous professional development for educators. Overall, it recommends a holistic approach to English teaching, integrating linguistic analysis, literature, and modern teaching methodologies for a comprehensive learning experience. The exploration of articles, communicative phraseological units, and their representation in literature offers a rich tapestry of information and insights. While this study has delved deep into the topic using "The Picture of Dorian Gray" as a foundation, there are several areas that future researchers could explore to build upon this foundation: Broader Literary Analysis: Extend the linguistic analysis to other works by Oscar Wilde or contemporaneous authors to determine if similar patterns exist or if there are unique variations in the usage of phraseological units across different texts. Cross-linguistic Study: Investigate how phraseological units and articles function in other languages and compare them with English. This could offer insights into commonalities and differences, which can be invaluable for teaching English to speakers of other languages. Pedagogical Trials: Implement the proposed beginner exercises in real-world classroom settings and gather empirical data on their effectiveness. This would help refine the exercises and methodologies proposed in this study. Technological Integration: Explore how digital tools, such as language learning apps or interactive platforms, can be employed to teach phraseological units and articles more effectively. Neurolinguistic Perspective: Examine how the brain processes phraseological units and articles. A neurolinguistic perspective could shed light on why learners find certain concepts challenging and how teaching methods can be optimized for better retention and understanding. Historical Linguistics: Trace the evolution of phraseological units in English over time. How have they changed, and what factors have influenced their development? Sociolinguistic Analysis: Investigate the role of social factors, like culture, community, or class, in the use and interpretation of phraseological units. Learning Styles and Phraseological Units: Delve deeper into how different learners, based on their preferred learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic), respond to phraseological units and the teaching methodologies proposed in this study. In summary, while this study has provided a comprehensive analysis of its chosen topic, the field of English language research is vast and ever-evolving. The above recommendations are intended to inspire future researchers to delve deeper, explore new dimensions, and continue the quest for knowledge and understanding in the realm of English language teaching and learning.
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