INTRODUCTION 3 CHAPTER 1. An adjective in artistic speech 5 1.1 The concept of adjectives and their role 5 1.2 Stylistic usage of adjectives in artistic speech 9 CHAPTER 1. – Summary of Results 10 CHAPTER 2. Features of the usage of adjectives in literature 12 2.1 Features of the usage of adjectives in «Howl’s Moving Castle» work 12 2.2 Stylistic usage of adjectives in «Howl’s Moving Castle» work 12 CHAPTER 2. – Summary of Results 21 CONCLUSION 22 REFERENCES 24

Особенности употребления прилагательных в произведении Д. У. Джонс «Ходячий замок»

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INTRODUCTION 3 CHAPTER 1. An adjective in artistic speech 5 1.1 The concept of adjectives and their role 5 1.2 Stylistic usage of adjectives in artistic speech 9 CHAPTER 1. – Summary of Results 10 CHAPTER 2. Features of the usage of adjectives in literature 12 2.1 Features of the usage of adjectives in «Howl’s Moving Castle» work 12 2.2 Stylistic usage of adjectives in «Howl’s Moving Castle» work 12 CHAPTER 2. – Summary of Results 21 CONCLUSION 22 REFERENCES 24
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INTRODUCTION It is difficult to overestimate the stylistic significance of adjectives as a source of speech expression in artistic speech. «Quality words» as adjectives are sometimes called, are the most picturesque part of speech. It is not by chance that writers attach great importance to the precise usage of adjectives-definitions, noticing in this a manifestation of professionalism and skills.

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. British writer Diana Wynne Jones (1934-2011) created literary works for children and adults for more than forty years (1970-2011). In almost any study or even a small volume of critical material devoted to her work, you can find an indication of how diverse her legacy is. The work of Diana Wynne Jones has so far been extremely rarely analyzed by domestic researchers, despite the fact that it has already become a recognized phenomenon in the world of children's literature. Her works in recent years have aroused stable reader interest. The writer is the winner of a number of literary awards (Guardian Award, Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Children's Literature, Phoenix). The relevance is due to the fact that the authors are trying to create a literary work that is unique in terms of its phraseology. They try to individualize their language by using adjectives-definitions. The purpose is to examine the usage of adjectives by author Diana Wynne Jones in her popular book «Howl’s Moving Castle». To achieve the purpose of the study, it is necessary to perform the following tasks: 1) To consider the concept of adjectives and their role in literary speech; 2) To find out about stylistic usage of adjectives in artistic speech; 3) To highlight the features of the usage of adjectives in «Howl’s Moving Castle» book; 4) To consider stylistic usage of adjectives in «Howl’s Moving Castle» work. The object of the study is the adjectives. The subject is the features of the use of adjectives in «Howl’s Moving Castle» book. The research methods: analysis of the work (reading in the original and in Russian); observation of how Diana Wynne Jones uses adjectives; analysis of domestic and foreign sources that reveal the problems of usage of adjectives in literary works. The research is based on the problem of stylistic usage of adjectives in the literary works, particularly in «Howl’s Moving Castle» work by Diana Wynne Jones. Authors studied features of adjectives usage in oral and written speech, in literary work. Some of them analyzed specification of Diana Wynne Jones’ works, what methods she used to represent mysterious world in her fairy tale. The material under research includes text of «Howl’s Moving Castle» work, Russian and foreign scientific articles and online vocabularies. The study consists of introduction, 2 chapters, results of each chapter, conclusion and references. The introduction defines the subject and object of research, relevance, and formulates the goals and objectives to be solved in the work. The research methods are indicated, the structure of the work is characterized. The 1st chapter is theoretical. There is general information about adjectives as the part of speech and stylistic usage of adjectives. The 2nd chapter is practical. It analyzes the «Howl’s Moving Castle» work by Diana Wynne Jones, namely how adjectives are used to individualize their work and give the effect of a fairy tale.

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As the analysis showed, artistic speech is saturated with adjectives. An adjective is a lexis–semantic class of predicate words denoting a non-procedural feature (property) of an object, event, or other feature designated by a name. In English, this part of speech does not have forms of agreement with the noun and is distinguished primarily by its semantic and syntactic characteristics. An adjective is one of the most important parts of English speech. An adjective denotes a distinctive feature of an object, person or phenomenon and answers a question «WHAT?» British writer Diana Wynne Jones (1934-2011) created literary works for children and adults for more than forty years (1970-2011). In almost any study or even a small volume of critical material devoted to her work, one can find an indication of how diverse her legacy is. The author's myth-making, heroic pathos, epic scale of the events and images described, but the writer filled her fantasy novels with completely different content. While the authors of canonical fantasy sought inspiration in myths, legends and tales of the past and sought to create an ideal secondary world into which the writer and readers can escape frоm everyday life, Jones transferred to her fantasy secondary worlds the actual problems that modern children and adults have to face. Despite the fact that the background for the adventures of Jones' heroes is an alternative magical reality, her works are devoid of escapist sentiments typical of fantasy. The fantastic setting in her novels is combined with a deeply realistic representation of characters and relationships, which allows modern researchers of her heritage to judge that the focus of her attention was, firstly, children's and, more broadly, human psychology, and the fantastic entourage only allowed her to give the described phenomena greater brightness and scale. The work of D.W. Jones has so far been extremely rarely analyzed by domestic researchers, despite the fact that it has already become a recognized phenomenon in the world of children's literature. Jones' works in recent years have aroused stable reader interest; the writer is the winner of a number of literary prizes such as Guardian Award, Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Children's Literature, Phoenix. Since Jones wrote for people of different ages, when writing, she focused on simple, understandable and specific adjectives, which is inherent in a fairy tale, a work of the fantasy genre. For children, this is a great way to replenish their vocabulary with relevant adjectives, and for adults it is a good way to relax by reading a book written in simple language, but affecting serious «adult» problems. So, the main goal of the work was to examine the usage of adjectives by author Diana Wynne Jones in her popular book «Howl’s Moving Castle». It was reached by completing the following tasks. The concept of adjectives and their role in literary speech were considered; stylistic usage of adjectives in artistic speech was found out; the features of the usage of adjectives in «Howl’s Moving Castle» book was highlighted. Stylistic usage of adjectives in «Howl’s Moving Castle» work was considered.
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1) Антонова, М. Б. Полисемия английских прилагательных в когнитивном аспекте // Вестник НГУ. Серия: Лингвистика и межкультурная коммуникация. – 2021. – №1. – С. 15-29. 2) Ачаева, М. С. Национально-культурный компонент значения лексических единиц (на материале параметрических прилагательных английского языка и их производных) // Учитель. Ученик. Учебник. – 2019. – С. 157-162. 3) Басинская М.В. Корпусный анализ семантики синонимов (на материале английских прилагательных) // Вестник Московского государственного лингвистического университета. Гуманитарные науки. – 2019. – №6 (822). – С. 66-78. 4) Быкова, О. Д. Особенности изменения семантики английских прилагательных (на материале базовых цветообозначений) / О. Д. Быкова // Филологический аспект. – 2021. – № 3(71). – С. 40-46. 5) Виноградова, С. А., Стернин И. А. Семантическая деривация английских относительных прилагательных //Вестник Тверского государственного университета. Серия: Филология. – 2019. – №. 4. – С. 67-77. 6) Гончаров, А. С. Особенности употребления прилагательных "smart", "clever", "intelligent" в английском языке / А. С. Гончаров, О. С. Макарова // Наука и школа. – 2019. – № 6. – С. 241-245. 7) Князева, Н. А. Английские сложносоставные прилагательные и особенности их перевода / Н. А. Князева // Переводческий дискурс: междисциплинарный подход: Материалы II международной научно-практической конференции, Симферополь, 26–28 апреля 2018 года / Главный редактор М.В. Норец. – Симферополь: Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Издательство Типография «Ариал», 2018. – С. 262-267.
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