CONTENTS 2 INTRODUCTION 3 CHAPTER 1. MODALITY AND MODAL VERBS OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE 5 1.1 The concept of modality and its types 5 1.2. The role of modal verbs in the language 10 1.3. Features of modal verbs of the English language 13 1.4. Semantic and grammatical features of modal verbs of the English language 14 1.5 Summary of the Results 15 CHAPTER 2. THE FUNCTIONS OF THE MODAL VERB "MUST" AND ITS EQUIVALENTS IN LEWIS CARROLL'S FAIRY TALE "ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND" 17 2.1. Characteristics of modal verbs in English 17 2.2. The main forms of the modal verb "MUST" in Lewis Carroll's fairy tale "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" 20 2.3 Summary of the Results 28 CONCLUSION 29 REFERENCES 32


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CONTENTS 2 INTRODUCTION 3 CHAPTER 1. MODALITY AND MODAL VERBS OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE 5 1.1 The concept of modality and its types 5 1.2. The role of modal verbs in the language 10 1.3. Features of modal verbs of the English language 13 1.4. Semantic and grammatical features of modal verbs of the English language 14 1.5 Summary of the Results 15 CHAPTER 2. THE FUNCTIONS OF THE MODAL VERB "MUST" AND ITS EQUIVALENTS IN LEWIS CARROLL'S FAIRY TALE "ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND" 17 2.1. Characteristics of modal verbs in English 17 2.2. The main forms of the modal verb "MUST" in Lewis Carroll's fairy tale "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" 20 2.3 Summary of the Results 28 CONCLUSION 29 REFERENCES 32
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The categories of modality, time and type have received very wide coverage in domestic and foreign linguistics: the number of monographs, dissertations and individual articles devoted to the study of these categories is incalculable and, moreover, a short enumeration that adequately reflects the degree of unquenchable interest in them by researchers. The theoretical basis of this work was, first of all, the studies of the linguistic modality of A.B. Bondarko, A.B. Zelenshchikov, P.

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Collins, J. Coates, A. Kratzer, J. Lyons, S.T. Nefedov, F. Palmer, V.Z. Panfilov, P. Portner, etc. and illuminating the problems of time and/or type of work of R. Binnik, R. Declercq, I.P. Ivanova, V. Klein, B. Comrie, Y.S. Maslov, G. Reichenbach, K. Smith, Z.Ya. Turaeva, etc. Relevance. It is known that the grammar of the English language is one of the most difficult aspects of foreign language education for native speakers of the Russian language, which is explained, first of all, by the fundamental difference in the grammatical foundations of the two languages. A huge number of works are devoted to the category of modality, but the most common definition of language modality is that this category expresses the attitude of the message frоm the speaker's point of view. Modality covers those grammatical means that have been developed due to the purpose of language as a means of communication, and also ensure the accessibility and effectiveness of the communicated thought. Modality is conveyed by all meanings and shades expressed by synthetic and analytical forms of the verb moods. Or, in other words, modality (frоm modalis – modal and modus – method, measure) is a functional and semantic category expressing different types of the relation of the utterance to reality, as well as different types of subjective qualification of the reported. It is a linguistic universal belonging to the main categories of natural language. The concept of modality came frоm classical formal logic, frоm where linguistics borrowed other concepts. The term «modality» is used to denote a wide range of phenomena that are heterogeneous in semantic scope, grammatical properties and in the degree of design at different levels of the linguistic structure. Modal verbs are one of the means of its actualization. Modal verbs express an attitude to an action (its necessity, probability, possibility of its commission, etc.). Or in other words, modal verbs express modality, that is, the speaker's attitude to any action. Unfortunately, the topic of modal verbs and their equivalents in English is often poorly disclosed, especially in school textbooks. Since in the process of oral or written communication we often have to use modal verbs. Modal verbs cause a lot of difficulties for English language learners. The maximum that an interested reader can find in them is only «superficial» information, which in a real language situation with a native English speaker can only aggravate the situation. As a result, the teacher and the real means of revealing this topic becomes his own experience, often negative. The objective of this work is to study the modal verb «must» and its equivalents in Lewis Carroll's fairy tale «Alice's Adventures in Wonderland». Research Tasks: 1. To study the concept of modality and its types; 2. Determine the role of modal verbs in the language 3. To identify the features of modal verbs of the English language 4. To present the semantic and grammatical features of modal verbs of the English language in Lewis Carroll's fairy tale «Alice's Adventures in Wonderland». The object of the study is the modal verb «must» and its equivalents. The subject of research is the process of studying the modal verb «should» and its equivalents in Lewis Carroll's fairy tale «Alice's Adventures in Wonderland». The research is based on the problem of the application of the modal verb «must» and its equivalents in Lewis Carroll's fairy tale «Alice's Adventures in Wonderland». Authors studied complexes of categories of modality, tense and type in English sentences, as well as temporal properties of English modal verbs are considered in the works Abusch 1997, Condoravdi 2002, Demirdache and Uribe-Etxcbarria 2008, Epf 1996, Guéron 2008, Larreya 2003, Matthews 1989, Matthews 2003, Mondadori 1978, Stowell 2004, Verhulst 2009, von Fintel and Gillies 2008, Werner 2006, Woisetschlaeger 1977, Zagona 2008, etc. The material under research includes an introduction, two chapters, conclusion, references. The study consists of an analysis of Lewis Carroll's fairy tale «Alice's Adventures in Wonderland».

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Grammar is one of the most important aspects of learning a foreign language, which is impossible to imagine without knowledge of grammatical rules that allow us to successfully apply the language, and the formation of grammatical skills is an integral part of language learning. In modern English, there are grammatical and lexical means of expressing modality. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that modality exists both at the grammatical, lexical, and intonational levels, and at the level of utterance as a whole and has all kinds of ways of expression; it is marked by various grammatical and lexical means: special forms of moods; modal verbs (for example, Russian: can, should; English: must, can); other modal words (for example, Russian: it seems, perhaps; English: perhaps, likely); intonation means. Grammatical means are such modal verbs as must, should, ought, will/would, can/could, may/might, need. At the same time, these verbs weaken their original meaning of desirability, ought, necessity, etc. and convey only the speaker's attitude to the content of the assumption as a whole. Modal verbs convey various shades of modality, starting with an assumption bordering on certainty and ending with an assumption in which the speaker is not sure. Many linguists speak of modal words as an independent part of speech. Based on all the data obtained, the following conclusions can be reasonably stated. Modal verbs in English are verbs that have no proper meaning, they can only be used in conjunction with another verb. Modal verbs can be divided into two categories: Directly modal verbs and their equivalents. These are verbs that are only modal, as well as their equivalents, which are used in tenses in which modal verbs themselves are not used. Multifunctional verbs that perform the function of modals. This category includes verbs that can perform various functions, including the function of modal verbs. Auxiliary verbs are not added to modal verbs when constructing interrogative and negative sentences. In such sentences, the modal verb itself performs the role of an auxiliary: in questions it takes a place before the subject, and in negations the particle not is added to it (exceptions: to have (to) is used in questions and negations with an auxiliary verb; in to be (to) and to be obliged (to) be, in questions it is used before the subject in the corresponding person and number (am/are/is) and adds the particle not in the questions). Not all modal verbs have the forms of the future and past tenses, and when they are expressed, they are replaced by equivalents. After modal verbs, the to particle of the semantic verb is not used (except for equivalents). The exception is the modal verb ought to. The modal verb "Must" is a rather "strong" verb. In all functions, he has a certain degree of perseverance, categoricality. The modal verb must shows that a person has some obligations, he must do something. The modal verb must fills in its missing past and future tense forms with the equivalent expressions "to have (to)" and "to have got (to)", after which it is also necessary to use the infinitive of the verb. Thus, the modal verb has 3 equivalents (to have (to), to be obliged (to), to be (to)). Famous writers of the 20th century actively used modal verbs in their works, thereby conveying all the shades of attitude and reality inherent in modality. At the same time, it should be noted that of the selеcted authors, Arthur Golden most often used modal verbs in his novel Memoirs of a Geisha. Modal verbs are easy to learn and understand, as they have many similarities with the Russian language. Although there are some differences. In any case, they will be a good help in moving forward for anyone who wants to improve their knowledge of English. The work is devoted to the study of the features of the use of modal verbs in professional communication in English. The topic of learning the language of business communication is still relevant, especially the topic of modal verbs in business speech. We used such sources as manuals and workshops on the English language of business communication by such authors as I. S. Bogatsky, S.A. Sheveleva, S. Murdock-Stern, M. V. Vanslav, L. Vasilyeva, G. Gaudsvard, M. Goldenkov, V. Y. Doroshenko, E. N. Zaretskaya, G. A. Koti, M. G. Kumarova, L. M. Myers, G. V. Thomson and others. In the theoretical part, we found out that modality is a complex interaction between the speaker, the communication partner, the content of the message and reality. We have determined that modal verbs have modality properties, that is, they reflect the speaker's attitude to the content of the utterance and have their own characteristics. So, the same modal verb can be used in different meanings. On the other hand, different modal verbs can express the same modal meaning in different situations. Taking into account such features of business communication as interaction united by common activities, official nature, it is necessary to take into account the means of expressing language in this area. Business speech is subject to such requirements as accuracy, correctness, conciseness and accessibility. In the practical part, the analysis of the features of the use of modal verbs and the expression of modality in the English language of business communication was carried out. This analysis allowed us to systematize knowledge about modal verbs and use them for further study in the field of business communication. Based on examples of the use of modal verbs in speech situations of business communication, we have identified a number of features of the use of verbs in our chosen field. Such characteristics of the use of modal verbs as their frequency were determined, a number of the most frequently used verbs were determined, and at the same time the most frequently used meanings of the selеcted verbs were determined. Also, the purpose of our work was to determine a number of the most commonly used modal meanings and to determine the variety of variants of their expression. It should also be noted that, despite all the specificity of the business style of communication, we can still show our own attitude to seemingly formal and well-established phrases in the process of business communication. The main modal meanings were highlighted, such as: obligation, the possibility of performing an action, assumption, prohibition, reproach and disapproval. Modal verbs in business communication in the sense of duty are used very often, namely in business letters and contracts. Such modal verbs as to have to and to be to prevail most of all in this meaning, the verbs shall and must can be put in second place. In the meaning of the possibility of performing an action, the modal verb may is used mainly to display the possibility due to permission or permission, therefore, in the field of business communication, it is almost a complete synonym for can. The modal meaning of the assumption in English can be expressed by such verbs as can (could), must, should (ought to), may (might), dare, will, need. In the meaning of prohibition, such modal verbs as should, must, can, ought, may and dare are most often used. But each of these verbs with a negative particle retains shades of their meanings.
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1. Agaeva, F.A. Modality as a linguistic category. – M.: Nauka, 2011. – 305 p. 2. Aizova, A.M. Fundamentals of business correspondence. – M.: Drofa Publishing House, 2015. – 341 p. 3. Baeva, O.A. Public speaking and business communication. – M.: Novoe znanie, 2018. – 328 p. 4. Barkhudarov, L.S. Grammar of the English language. – M.: Vlados, 2017 – 484 p. 5. Belyaeva, M.A. Grammar of the English language. – M.: Higher School, 2017. – 259 p. 6. Bloch, M.Ya. Theoretical grammar of the English language. – M.: Higher School, 2015. – 283 p. 7. Bogatsky, I.S. Business English course. – K.: VP Logos, 2017. – 352 p. 8. Bondarenko, V.N. Types of modal meanings and their expression in language // Philological sciences. – 2019. – No.2. – pp. 54-61. 9. Bondarko, A.V. Theory of functional grammar. – M.: Enlightenment, 2018. – 256 p 10. Vanslav, M.V. Features of translation of business letters and contracts. – M.: Chelyabinsk, 2013. – 250 p. 11. Vasilyeva, L.A. Business correspondence in English. – M.: Rolf, Iris-press, 2018. – 352 p. 12. Verba, L.G. Grammar of modern English. – Moscow: Iris Press, 2015. – 365 p. 13. Vinogradov, V.V. Russian Russian on the category of modality and modal words in the Russian language // Selected works - studies on Russian grammar. – 2019. – No. 8. – pp. 53-58. 14. Galkin-Fedoruk, E.M. Modal words: Modern Russian language. – M.: Uchpedgiz, 2017. – 315 p. 15. Gamzatov, M.G. Technique and specifics of legal translation. – St. Petersburg, 2018. – 198c. 16. Goudsvard, G.A. English for business communication. – Moscow: Omega-L, 2017. – 240 p. 17. Goldenkov, M.A. The basics of English slang and business correspondence.. – Mn. Luch, 2018. – 328 p. Russian Russian Commercial Correspondence, 18. Demidova, A.K., Moscow: Russkiy yazyk, 2015– - 323 p. 19. Doroshenko, V.Yu. Psychology and ethics of business communication. – M.: Culture and sport, UNITY, 2017. – 279 p 20. Zainullin, M.F. On the essence and boundaries of the linguistic category of modality. – M.: Nauka, 2017. – 292 p. 21. Zaretskaya, E.N. Business communication. – M.: Delo, 2013. – 696 p 22. Zeldovich, B.Z. Business communication. – M.: Alfa-Press, 2017. – 456 p 23. Ivanova, I.P. Theoretical grammar of modern English. – M.: Higher School, 2017. – 285 p . 24. Izrailevich, E.E. Textbook of commercial correspondence and documentation in English. – Moscow: Vneshtorgizdat, 2017. – 447 p. 25. Ionina, A.A. English grammar: Theory and practice. – M.: Rolf, 2017. – 448 p 26. Kibanov, A.Ya. Ethics of business relations. – M.: INFRA-M, 2013. – 368 p. 27. Kiselev, Yu.P. Business communication. – M.: Vlados, 2017. – 109 p. 28. Kobrina, N.A. Theoretical grammar of modern English. – M.: "Higher school", 2017 – 362 p. 29. Kosareva, T.B. How to learn to translate legal documents. – M.: Bustard, 2019. – 212 p. 30. Koti, G.A. Business letters in English. Samples with translation into Russian. – Moscow: Federal Bookselling Company, 2018. – 392 p. 31. Kumarova, M.G. New Business English (English Business Vocabulary Course). – M.: Akalis, 2017. – 423 p. 32. Lavrinenko, V.N. Psychology and ethics of business communication. – M.: Unity, 2017. – 356 p 33. Myers, L.M. Writing in English: a guide to grammar and writing in English. – St. Petersburg: Lan, 2017. – 448 p 34. Mansi, E.I. Grammar of the English language for students of faculties of foreign languages. – M.: Book, 2017. – 300 p. 35. Murdoch-Stern, S. Business receptions and meetings in English: visits, cooperation and professional contacts. – M.: AST, 2015. – 226 p 36. Merenok, M.F. Practice of reading and translating legal literature. – M.: Lingua, 2017. – 356 p.
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