Introduction…………………………………………………………………..…3 Chapter 1. ADVERTISING AS A LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL PROCESS……………………………………………………………………….….…5 1.1. The Language of Advertising and Ways of Its Implementation……......….5 1.2. The Linguistic Mechanisms That Help Advertising Be Effective…….….10 1.3. The Emotional Impact of Advertising on the Consumer through Expressive techniques: Alliteration, Repetition, Comparison…………………………………....14 Concluding Observations……………………..…………………………….....18 Chapter 2. PRACTICAL USAGE OF EXPRESSIVE MEANS IN MODERN ADVERTISING………………………………………………………….……….…19 2.1. Alliteration as a Method of Association (real examples)...........................19 2.2. Repetition as a Method of Persuasion (real examples)...............................21 2.3. Comparison as the Most Frequent Advertising Model (real examples).....23 2.4. Comparison of the Listed Means and Identification of the Most Effective One for Achieving Various Advertising Goals……………………………………...25 Concluding Observations………………………………………..……………27 Conclusion……………………………………………………………...……..28 References and sources……………………….……………..………………...29

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Introduction…………………………………………………………………..…3 Chapter 1. ADVERTISING AS A LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL PROCESS……………………………………………………………………….….…5 1.1. The Language of Advertising and Ways of Its Implementation……......….5 1.2. The Linguistic Mechanisms That Help Advertising Be Effective…….….10 1.3. The Emotional Impact of Advertising on the Consumer through Expressive techniques: Alliteration, Repetition, Comparison…………………………………....14 Concluding Observations……………………..…………………………….....18 Chapter 2. PRACTICAL USAGE OF EXPRESSIVE MEANS IN MODERN ADVERTISING………………………………………………………….……….…19 2.1. Alliteration as a Method of Association (real examples)...........................19 2.2. Repetition as a Method of Persuasion (real examples)...............................21 2.3. Comparison as the Most Frequent Advertising Model (real examples).....23 2.4. Comparison of the Listed Means and Identification of the Most Effective One for Achieving Various Advertising Goals……………………………………...25 Concluding Observations………………………………………..……………27 Conclusion……………………………………………………………...……..28 References and sources……………………….……………..………………...29
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Today, advertising texts are widely used in the activities of linguists, which, of course, is explained by the active development of the advertising market and the widespread distribution of advertising texts in the media. It should be noted that until the end of the 80s - early 90s the problem of advertising as a whole was of purely academic interest, now the appeal to the language of advertising is associated with the need to solve a whole range of both scientific, theoretical and practical issues... Firstly, advertising is included in the text composition of the mass media, which is now considered an independent area of linguistics, called "media linguistics". Secondly, the relevance of studying advertising messages is due to the fact that, until recently, philology did not pay enough attention to this type of text. The language of advertising is an extremely interesting material, the study of which can enrich the theory of linguistic stylistics and provide a complete picture of the functional styles of the language.

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The successful development of advertising in our country is hampered by the fact that the tradition was interrupted in it. In order to overcome the consequences of the eighty-year advertising "vacuum", it is necessary to study the rich foreign experience. Of course, advertising as a socio-cultural phenomenon should be guided by the culture of the country for which it is intended. The fact that foreign experience in advertising is much richer than domestic does not require proof. It is obvious that the verbal component of advertising, that is, a speech product, is the most important aspect of advertising activity, which cannot but be of interest to linguists. The main feature of modern mass culture is its informational nature, which gives the content of information on a global scale the properties of universality. Rich material for the study of polycode messages is provided by such an integral part of mass culture as advertising of various genres - print, television, street, radio, Internet advertising, etc. Advertising, like a living organism, evolves along with a person. Its value is growing inexorably. It should be noted that a feature of any television advertising text is to attract the attention of the recipient, but not with the help of bulky and expensive special effects, computer graphics and various television technologies, but relying on the expressive capabilities of any individual language (in our case, English). In this paper, the focus is on the most regularly used in advertising messages linguistic means of phonetic, grammatical and lexical levels. Their goal is to decorate the text, make it easier to remember and create a positive perception of the advertised product among the recipient. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the use of expressive means and stylistic devices in advertising texts, emphasizing their psycho-emotional impact on readers, consumers and buyers. The object of this work is advertising texts with the help of which the political, economic, cultural and social views of consumers are formed. The subject of the work lies in the expressive means of the language used to attract the attention of customers. For the successful implementation of this study, the following research methods were chosen: analysis, comparison, axiomatic method, and induction. In the first part, we focus on theoretical facts: the history of advertising as a linguistic and cultural process, the emotional impact of expressive means on the perception of the reader, consumer, buyer based on such stylistic devices as alliteration, repetition and comparison. In the second part, we visually show examples of the techniques listed above in order to study how the use of these expressive means affects the effectiveness of the product and / or service being sold.

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After conducting research, we can say that at each level a certain way of achieving expressiveness in the advertising text prevails. The advertising text has a special pragmatic orientation, dictating the choice of language (graphic) means to encourage the addressee to certain actions: purchase a product, use a service. The examples given show that individual phenomena of the so-called language game become productive models. Summarizing all the above facts, we can draw conclusions: being a specific tool of social impact, the advertising text qualifies as a functionally organized message that is complete in information-semantic, cognitive-communicative and structural-compositional relations, due to the situation of communication, communicative intentions of the addresser, based on grammatical and stylistic useus. The specificity of the combination of expressive means of the language and the originality of style, metaphor, originality of vocabulary, syntax of advertising texts determine the linguistic form of a multidimensional and intertextual fragment of the language picture of the world. The language of advertising with the help of the media is firmly included in the everyday life, reflecting the surrounding reality, updating the usual set of language tools, creating completely new values based on the self-awareness of the addressee, on the assertion of his individuality, self-knowledge and self-expression.
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