Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………….… 3 Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of the English simple sentence…………………………………...5 1.1 A simple sentence in English………………………………………………………………….5 1.2 Main types of sentences ……………………………………………………………………....9 Summary of results on the first chapter………………………………………………………….13 Chapter 2. Functioning of the main types of an affirmative simple sentence in English…………………………………………………………………………………………...14 2.1. Two-part sentences and ellipsis………………………………………..................................14 2.2 The order of words in the affirmative sentence……………………………………………...17 Summary of results on the second chapter………………………………....................................15 Chapter 3. Investigation of the function of the English affirmative simple sentence based on the material of James Dashner's work «The Maze Runner»…………………………………………16 3.1 Analysis of the structure of a simple sentence of the English language in J. Dashner's work «The Maze Runner»……………………………………………………………………………...16 3.2 Ways to achieve functional equivalence in the translation of J. Dashner's novel «The Maze Runner»………………………………………………………………………………………….21 Conclusion on the third chapter…………………………………………………………………24 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………….25 List of literature………………………………………………………………………………….27


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Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………….… 3 Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of the English simple sentence…………………………………...5 1.1 A simple sentence in English………………………………………………………………….5 1.2 Main types of sentences ……………………………………………………………………....9 Summary of results on the first chapter………………………………………………………….13 Chapter 2. Functioning of the main types of an affirmative simple sentence in English…………………………………………………………………………………………...14 2.1. Two-part sentences and ellipsis………………………………………..................................14 2.2 The order of words in the affirmative sentence……………………………………………...17 Summary of results on the second chapter………………………………....................................15 Chapter 3. Investigation of the function of the English affirmative simple sentence based on the material of James Dashner's work «The Maze Runner»…………………………………………16 3.1 Analysis of the structure of a simple sentence of the English language in J. Dashner's work «The Maze Runner»……………………………………………………………………………...16 3.2 Ways to achieve functional equivalence in the translation of J. Dashner's novel «The Maze Runner»………………………………………………………………………………………….21 Conclusion on the third chapter…………………………………………………………………24 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………….25 List of literature………………………………………………………………………………….27
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Relevance. In the history of typological research, the typology of sentences occupies perhaps the most important place. In the late sixties, interest in typological research in the field of syntax was huge; by the early eighties, interest in the study of sentence syntax as the main unit of the language had noticeably decreased. The focus of the study shifted frоm the structure of the sentence to its function in speech. Such a variety of approaches significantly complicates language learning and creates certain problems when translating texts. Many works have already been written about the typology of a simple sentence, however, this topic remains relevant to this day. Sentence syntax is one of the central problems when learning a foreign language, and in this case English is no exception. In the history of typological research, the typology of the sentence occupies perhaps the most important place.

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At the end of the sixties, interest in typological research in the field of syntax was huge, by the beginning of the eighties, interest in the study of sentence syntax as the main unit of the language had noticeably decreased. The focus of research has shifted frоm the structure of the sentence to its functions in speech. The study of the literature on the syntax of a simple sentence shows that almost every scientific work or textbook on the syntax of not only English, but also Russian offers significantly different lists of types of simple sentences and their interpretation. Such diversity in approaches greatly complicates language learning and creates certain problems when translating texts. Оbjective of this work is to study the functions of the English affirmative simple sentence on the material of James Dashner's work «The Maze Runner». Tasks. To achieve these goals, it is necessary to solve the following problem: 1. Study the sentence in English; 2. Identify the main types of sentence; 3. Consider two-part sentences and ellipsis; 4. Identify the word order in the sentence; 5. Present an analysis of the structure of a simple affirmative sentence in the English language in J. Dashner's work "The Maze Runner"; 6. To investigate ways to achieve functional equivalence in the translation of J. Dashner's novel «The Maze Runner». The object of the study is the work of James Dashner "The Maze Runner". The subject of the study is the process of studying the functions of an English affirmative simple sentence based on the material of James Dashner's work "The Maze Runner" The research is based on the problem what are the features of studying the functions of an English affirmative simple sentence based on the material of James Dashner's work "The Maze Runner"? Мethods: analytical (when studying scientific sources); method of comparative analysis (when processing the material under study); method of comparison and generalization (when summing up and determining the results of the study). Authors studied a simple sentence in English: and O.A. Alimuradov, H.A. Besedin, H.H. Boldyrev, O.K. Iriskhanova, T.A. Klepikova, A.B. Kravchenko, E.S. Kubryakova, Z.D. Popova, J1.A. Fure, F. Ungerer, H.-J. Schmidt, etc. The material under research includes James Dashner's work "The Maze Runner" The theoretical role of research of the work lies in the generalization and systematization of theoretical information and practical material concerning various structural types of an affirmative simple sentence. The practical significance lies in the possibility of using the materials of the work in the development of lectures and seminars at the university on the stylistics of modern English, lexicology, a special course on syntax, grammar. And also when writing final qualifying papers and scientific articles. The materials can be useful for teachers, tutors, teaching children grammar, the principles of sentence construction in English. The materials can be used for further processing and systematization of data concerning the features of the use of simple sentences in speech. In addition, based on the characteristics of the structural types of sentences given by us, a classification of simple sentences can be carried out, the scope of their application is analyzed. The study consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

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The objectives of the study were achieved. We have studied the main structural types of a simple sentence, identified the main problems in the classification of simple sentences. The study confirmed the hypothesis that the study of the structural types of a simple English sentence is an important and relevant area of modern linguistic research. Simple sentences in English have their own distinctive features and specific features. All tasks have been completed in full. 1. Considered the main types and types of sentences in English. A well-written sentence is the key to coherent speech that others will understand, which will be useful and informative. Connected speech needs to be developed. In this case, the first step is the ability to make sentences. Each language has its own way of writing sentences. First of all, it is necessary to understand the features of the classification of proposals. Each proposal has its own principles of construction. Various types and types of sentences must be used in your speech due to the fact that they make our speech more vivid and colorful. Different types of sentences make it possible to express different intonations, to formulate one's opinion, attitude. Sentences must be built in accordance with the current rules of grammar. First of all, there is a classification, according to which sentences are divided into simple and complex. Simple sentences are sentences that include an object and a verb. This sentence expresses one complete thought, a concrete assumption. Also, a simple sentence can express a feeling, an emotion. A simple sentence is an independent sentence. 2. Considered the problem of identifying the structural types of a simple English sentence. In the last decade, issues related to the structural features of a simple sentence have again become the focus of attention of domestic and foreign researchers. The structural types of a simple sentence are also called its syntactic models, or constructions. To designate one or another structural type of a sentence, the concept of "structural diagram" is widely used. There are many different classifications of a simple sentence, their various structural types are distinguished. A large variety of types and the lack of a single classification, one approach is due to the fact that different authors have different approaches to classification, and take different criteria as a basis. There can be quite a lot of them, since the allocation of structural and functional types is subjective. The situation is also complicated by the fact that many authors do not set themselves the task of distinguishing between structural types of sentences. Also, the specific situations in which the implementation of the communicative act takes place are not considered, the context and various types of connections in the sentence are not taken into account. All this leads to the fact that many authors consider separately units built in accordance with one structural scheme. It should be noted that when analyzing and highlighting a particular structural scheme, most authors use subjective, formal criteria as a basis. The simple sentence is regarded as the central unit of syntax. Semantically complicated simple sentences are currently considered as a separate category. The structural scheme of a simple sentence contains huge opportunities for the formation of paradigmatic and non-paradigmatic connections. Separately, grammatical, modal-communicative and structural-semantic modifications of a particular scheme are singled out. It can be concluded that there is no unified classification of structural types of a simple sentence so far. 3. Based on the material of the English language, various structural types of simple sentences were identified and characterized. We have considered personal, indefinitely personal, impersonal proposals. Also, such types of simple sentences as a two-part, one-part sentence, an incomplete sentence (ellipsis) were characterized.
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1. Alexandrova O.V. Problems of expressive syntax. – M.: Higher School, 2017.- 273 p. 2. Barkhudarov L.S., Shteling D.A. Grammar of the English language. - - M.: Publishing House of literature in foreign languages.2017. - 422 p. 3. Barkhudarov L. S. The structure of a simple sentence of the modern English language. – M.: Higher School, 2018.- 196 p. 4. Bloch M.Ya. Theoretical foundations of grammar: Studies – 2nd ed., ispr. – M.: Higher School, 2018.-160 p. 5. Ganshina M. A. Grammar of the English language. – M.: Higher School, 2019.-319 p. 6. Ibragimova V.L. On the question of the structure of lexico-semantic groups (based on the material of verbs of displacement and spatial position) // Research on semantics: Mezhvuz. Scientific collection — Ufa: Bashkir Publishing House. University, 2019. - pp. 63-67. 7. Ivanova E.M. Expressive syntax. - Smolensk: Publishing House Smolensk. state University, 2019.-180 p. 8. Ilyish B. A. The structure of the modern English language. – M.: Enlightenment, 2017. - 378 p.
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