INTRODUCTION 3 CHAPTER 1 THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF THE LEXICO-STYLISTIC FEATURES OF THE GOTHIC NOVEL 6 1.1 The concept of Gothic in literature 6 1.2. Lexico-stylistic features and properties of the Gothic novel 7 1.3 Summary of results 12 CHAPTER 2 LEXICO-STYLISTIC FEATURES OF AMERICAN «GOTHIC» AND CREATIVE FORMATION OF WALPOLE'S HORAC 14 2.1. Features of American literary «Gothic» 14 2.2. Features of the works of H. Walpole 23 2.3 Summary of results 31 CHAPTER 3 THE STUDY OF Lexical and stylistic features of the Gothic novel IN THE NOVEL «THE CASTLE OF OTRANTO» 32 3.1. The system of symbols of the work 32 3.2. Lexical and stylistic features of the novel «The Castle of Otranto» 51 3.3 Summary of results 64 Conclusion 65 REFERENCES 67


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INTRODUCTION 3 CHAPTER 1 THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF THE LEXICO-STYLISTIC FEATURES OF THE GOTHIC NOVEL 6 1.1 The concept of Gothic in literature 6 1.2. Lexico-stylistic features and properties of the Gothic novel 7 1.3 Summary of results 12 CHAPTER 2 LEXICO-STYLISTIC FEATURES OF AMERICAN «GOTHIC» AND CREATIVE FORMATION OF WALPOLE'S HORAC 14 2.1. Features of American literary «Gothic» 14 2.2. Features of the works of H. Walpole 23 2.3 Summary of results 31 CHAPTER 3 THE STUDY OF Lexical and stylistic features of the Gothic novel IN THE NOVEL «THE CASTLE OF OTRANTO» 32 3.1. The system of symbols of the work 32 3.2. Lexical and stylistic features of the novel «The Castle of Otranto» 51 3.3 Summary of results 64 Conclusion 65 REFERENCES 67
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The modern stage of development of linguistic thought is characterized by the increased interest of linguists in issues related to the study of the text, as an independent object of study. Each humanitarian discipline considers a literary text frоm your own point of view. In modern linguistic science literary text, as a rule, is considered frоm the standpoint of linguistics text and linguistic stylistics. One of the main characteristics of a literary text is its absolute anthropocentric character, consisting in the fact that in any artwork is the main subject of the image is a person, or rather, a character. The image of the character is central for a work of art. The relevance of the work is due to the noticeable influence of Horace Walpole's novels on the «gothic» genre and is determined by the close attention of linguists to the study of transitional phenomena. Grouping and classifying the principles of the image system in his novels will deepen the understanding of this genre.

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. Quite a lot of works by foreign scientists are devoted to the study of the Gothic novel as a whole. The scientific base on «Gothic» is enormous. But we will indicate here the most important and significant works on the analysis of this genre. In English-language Gothic studies, these are the works of Edith Burkhead, Elizabeth McAndrew, Devendra Varma, David Panther, and Montague Summers. Two of the most relevant works are especially worth noting - a collection of articles edited by Fred Botting «Gothic» in 4 volumes, reflecting the evolution of the genre frоm its origins to the present day, and the Cambridge collection of articles «The Cambridge Companion to Gothic Fiction». The problem of studying the Gothic novel was investigated by such linguists as Elistratova A.A., Zharinov E.V., Bayer-Berenbaum L., Reitblat A. I., Bredvold L. However, the system of images of the «Gothic» novel and its specificity based on the material of Horace Walpole's work is not sufficiently covered both abroad and in Russia. Multiple studies were carried out on the creativity of H. Walpole, but the novel «Castle of Otranto» was not touched upon in the studies. Thus, the stated research topic is timely and relevant; through the analysis of these novels, a new point of view will appear in the research system. The purpose of the research is a theoretical and practical study of the lexical and stylistic features of the Gothic novel based on the work of Horace Walpole «Castle of Otranto». To achieve this goal, the following tasks should be solved: 1. To study the concept of Gothic; 2. Reveal the lexical and stylistic features and properties of the Gothic novel; 3. Determine the features of American «Gothic»; 4. To present the lexical and stylistic features of the novel «Castle of Otranto». The object of the study - this study is lexical and stylistic means. The subject of the study is the process of studying the lexical and stylistic features of the Gothic novel based on the work of Horace Walpole «The Castle of Otranto». The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that, despite the rather high level of study of Horace Walpole's work both in our country and abroad, this work is the first attempt in domestic and foreign criticism to attempt a holistic analysis of the «Gothic» work of H. Walpole, where a special attention is directed to aspects that until now have not become the subject of separate scientific developments. The paper compares the ethical, philosophical, psychological and theoretical foundations of Horace Walpole's work with the foundations of the «Gothic» school, which allows us to consider the novelist's work in a new perspective and determine the features of intertextual dialogue with the previous literary tradition. This made it possible to propose new author's interpretations of heroes, whose prototypes are gothic heroes-villains and romantic wanderers cut off frоm society, to connect the space-time structure of Horace Walpole's novels with the chronotope of the Gothic novel. This interpretation allows a deeper study of the key ideas for these writers of freedom, personal choice and responsibility, a person's search for his true essence. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that its conclusions and factual material can be used in the preparation of courses in the history of cultural studies, in writing term papers, in journalism and translation work. Research methods: structural semantic analysis and context analysis. The theoretical and methodological basis of the work is the works of M.M. Bakhtin, Yu.M. Lotman, I.P. Ilyin, N.B. Mankovskaya, as well as foreign scientists J. Hazinga, I. Hassan, M. Bradbury, U. Eco, R. Barth, Y. Kristevoy, J. F. Lyotard. The analysis is also based on the works of researchers in which the features of the genre of the Gothic novel are investigated - N.A. Solovieva, M.M. Ladygin, V.A.Lukov, I.V. Vershinin, as well as monographs dedicated to the originality of the work of John Fowles and Iris Murdoch of such authors as P. Conradi, F. Baldanza, E. Dipl, S. Loveday, S. Onega, W. Palmer, P. Wolf, R. Rabinovich, as well as A. P. Sarukhanyan, V. V. Ivasheva , N.I. Reingold, N.A. Solovieva, N.G. Vladimirova and N.A. Malishevskaya. Structure of the work: the work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion and a list of used literature. The research material is the novel by Horace Walpole «Castle of Otranto».

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Horace Walpole's novel «The Castle of Otranto» had an undoubted influence on the formation of the Gothic genre in English literature. The success of Walpole's first work is evidenced by a huge succession of followers who, perhaps, surpassed their leader in the unobtrusive mastery of descriptions, in the ability to keep the mind of the reader throughout a long and intricate novel in a state of feverish tension and anxiety, but his merit, by right, remains the discoverer of the Gothic genre, the author of an exemplary work. Therefore, we can say that Horace Walpole's first attempt to create a new literary genre was a huge success. The author of this novel was able to successfully combine the supernatural and unreal with the human, managed at the same time to withstand the severity and accuracy of style, the consistency of the narrative in the spirit of morals, was able to achieve a clear outline and expressive characterization of the characters, as well as the unity of action, during which various scenes alternate: touching and majestic, terrible and beautiful, low and sublime. One of the main features of the Gothic novel, thanks to the work of Mr. Walpole, was the motif of the doom of the hero's struggle with predestination, with fate, with fate, with something inevitable. Walpole created a unique gallery of heroes, characters, personality types. After the «Castle of Otranto» in every Gothic work there is a negative hero, the so-called villain, who became such as a result of any life difficulties, obstacles that he hardly passed. The negative hero of a Gothic work is an integral part of it, without which no work of this genre can do. All this invaluable contribution to world literature deserves the highest praise, because before Horace Walpole and before the emergence of Gothic literature, no one could evoke in the reader such strong feelings as fear, horror, panic, and at the same time compassion, pity and crazy interest in what is happening. in the pages of the novel. If this were the only aim he had, then the method he had chosen to achieve such a goal could justifiably be called clumsy and childish. But Mr. Walpole's aim was greater and more difficult to attain. His intention was to paint a picture of the household and customs of feudal times that would be plausible enough and yet full of movement due to the participation in the action of supernatural forces that the unenlightened society of that era believed in the existence of. The stylization of the narrative as an old manuscript, allegedly written by a medieval author, exceptional attention to the plot, the castle that appears in the title of the book and is at the center of the novel's action, these and other findings of Walpole were picked up and developed by his followers and became typical features of the Gothic novel, which can intrigue the reader, make him think about what is good and evil, believe in the magic of human imagination. Despite all the ironic smiles and snobbery of writers, he continues to live today - however, in somewhat modified forms. The lexical features of the Gothic novel are the use in novels of such expressive means as: metonymy, emotives, sononyms, phraseological units, neologisms and other lexical means. In general, we can conclude that the gothic novel is characterized by its symbols and attributes that distinguish it frоm other genres literature and create a special atmosphere of mystery, fantasy and mystical horror. During the course of the story, they intertwine with each other and create a clear and original picture novel.
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