INTRODUCTION 3 1 CHAPTER: Phrase stress in the English language 4 1.1 The nature of the stress 4 1.2 Logical stress 9 1.3 Emphatic stress 10 2 CHAPTER Peculiarities of the tonal system of the English language 15 2.1 The Notion of tone in Language 15 2.2 tones at the word level in English 17 CONCLUSION 22 LIST OF REFERENCES 24

Тон и ударение на уровне слов в английском языке / Tone and stress at the word level in the English language.

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INTRODUCTION 3 1 CHAPTER: Phrase stress in the English language 4 1.1 The nature of the stress 4 1.2 Logical stress 9 1.3 Emphatic stress 10 2 CHAPTER Peculiarities of the tonal system of the English language 15 2.1 The Notion of tone in Language 15 2.2 tones at the word level in English 17 CONCLUSION 22 LIST OF REFERENCES 24
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Our work deals with and analyses such phonetic phenomena as stress and tone in English phrases. When studying English, the tasks of forming correct speech formation are especially topical. The tone and intonational design of English differs markedly frоm Russian both in melody and phrasal stress, and in tonality. Learning how to use tone and intonation in sentences plays an important role in learning English. Because in order to get the tone of a sentence right, you need to know what factors determine stress in a sentence, what is characteristic of the tone of an English sentence, and how the two phenomena are connected to each other. The ability to place the phrasal stress without disturbing the tone structure of speech is a sign of phonetic literacy of the speaker. Therefore, learners of English should be able to correctly convey the melody of English speech and phrase stress frоm the first spoken sentences. Many people, having theoretical knowledge, need to learn a foreign language in a practical way. The relevance of this topic is due to the increasing interest of linguists in the study of natural speech. The need for further study of the phonetic side of real speech flow, as well as the insufficient study of the problem of phrasal stress and tone structure of the English phrase indicates the relevance of a special study of stress instability in terms of its conditioning by the communicative situation by spontaneous speech.

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. The object of this paper is phrase emphasis and the tone structure of the English sentence. The study focuses on the conditions and factors for the successful acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge of stress andt one in English sentences. The aim of our work is to establish the essence of phrasal stress, to describe the specifics of stress placement in an English sentence, to study the tone structure of an English phrase, and to examine the relationship between tone and stress in a sentence. The following tasks were formulated in order to achieve the set goal: 1. Consider the concepts of phrase stress and tone. 2. To explore the approaches of various phoneticians in identifying the principle of phrasal stress placement. 3. Conduct a study of the stress and tone design of English speech. 4. Identify the relationship between phrasal stress and speech tone through experimentation and draw conclusions frоm the study.  

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In this paper, phonetic phenomena such as stress and tone in English phrases were examined and analysed. In the course of the study, a number of tasks were performed, one of which was to study the stress and tone design of English speech. As a result, it was discovered that in English, the stress and tone play an important role in the design of speech: they are a means of manifesting a structuring, text-forming and expressive-emotional function. In accordance with the objectives the following conclusions were formulated: 1. Phrasal stress is an important means of speech formation. It organises a statement, serves as a basis for the tone structure of a phrase, and highlights the semantic centre of a sentence. tone is seen as a uniform alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables. Speakers are not aware of the tone of their speech (just as they, for example, do not reflect on the stress of words in their native language): tone is realized by the speaker and perceived automatically by the listener. However, as a phenomenon of speech, the tone has certain functions (organizing, aesthetic, sense-making) which fulfillment, along with the influence of linguistic and extra-linguistic factors, also predetermines its character and features in one or another kind of speech activity. 2. Most phoneticians agree that the arrangement of the stress in a sentence is due primarily to semantic-syntactic factors: by stressing a particular syllable in a word, the phrasal stress singles out the whole word as a complete unit, but not every word in a sentence is stressed. Phrasal stress is usually given to words that are the most important in content. 3. Analysis of the phonetic structure of a sentence shows that the stress structure of a word can, to a certain extent, predetermine the placement of the stress in the phrase. At the same time, the tone organization of a phrase in English can change the degree and place of verbal stress and create new variants of stress structures. 4. English is a language with tone stress. Phrase stress is to some extent determined by the tone organization of a sentence, by the tone speech skills of speakers of this language. The phrasal stress is closely connected with the tone as in order to keep the tone structure of speech there is often a strengthening or weakening of the verbal or phrasal stress. And for the phonetic literacy of the speaker it is important to be able to place the phrasal stress and not to break the tone structure of speech. Thus, the results of our study have shown that the study and further mastery of such means of speech formation, as phrasal stress and speech tone, is an important stage in the formation of English language skills. For proper speech formation it is necessary to know the peculiarities of stress arrangement in an English sentence and the tone structure of a phrase. Thus, when learning English a great deal of attention should be paid to the correct stress and tone organisation of speech.
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