INTRODUCTION 3 1. THE LABGUAGE OF ENGLISH PUBLICISM 5 1.1. The concept of a headline in a journalistic text, its functions and classification. 5 1.2. The role of the headline in modern newspaper text 9 1.3. The headline structure 10 2. EXPRESSIVE MEDIA IN ENGLISH NEWSPAPER HEADLINES 14 2.1. Language game at the graphical level 14 2.2. Stylistic expressive means in the headlines of English newspapers 16 CONCLUSION 20 BIBLIOGRAPHY 21

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INTRODUCTION 3 1. THE LABGUAGE OF ENGLISH PUBLICISM 5 1.1. The concept of a headline in a journalistic text, its functions and classification. 5 1.2. The role of the headline in modern newspaper text 9 1.3. The headline structure 10 2. EXPRESSIVE MEDIA IN ENGLISH NEWSPAPER HEADLINES 14 2.1. Language game at the graphical level 14 2.2. Stylistic expressive means in the headlines of English newspapers 16 CONCLUSION 20 BIBLIOGRAPHY 21
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When opening any newspaper or magazine, the first thing the reader encounters is the headlines. They draw attention to themselves, differing markedly frоm the rest of the text. Before any text, the heading carries certain information, and depending on how much this information is needed and interesting to the reader, newspaper and magazine articles will either be read or ignored. Simply put, the job of headlines is to generate interest in the reader. Research confirms that at least eighty percent of readers, looking at print publications, first of all pay attention to the headlines and at this stage decide whether to read further. Writing interesting, capacious, original and meaningful headlines for newspaper and magazine articles is a topic that is always relevant. As long as people are interested in information about the world around them, the media (media) will provide it. In conditions of fierce competition between various types of media and individual publications among themselves, attracting readers, increasing readers' interest is the number one task.

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. It is equally important to find the necessary, relevant and timely information. However, the absence of interesting, catchy headlines significantly reduces its value and reduces the competitiveness of this media. Relevance. The use of means of expression in journalistic-style texts has long been a topic of linguistic research. The role, function and emotional coloring of newspaper headlines is also actively explored. So, A. Afanasyeva comes to the conclusion that metaphors are most actively used in headings [1]. A. Isaev continues his research of metaphor in newspaper headlines. The researcher argues that the metaphor in the headlines has a pragmatic function [8]. l. Bannik examines the functional features of citation headings [2]. ON. Gedrafova analyzes newspaper headlines and comes to the conclusion that another means of expressiveness is a language game at the graphic level [4]. Features of the English newspaper headline as a whole are considered by A. Kolesnikova. She concludes that English headlines differ frоm Russian ones by an increased frequency of sarcasm and irony [12]. However, it should be noted that the problem of using expressive means in the headlines of English newspapers has not been studied enough. The object of the research is the headlines of English newspapers. The subject of the research is the means of expressiveness in the headlines of English newspapers. The goal of the research is to study the means of expression in the headlines of English newspapers. The goal defines the tasks: 1. Learn the definition and function of a newspaper headline. 2. Explore the role of the title in the modern journalistic text. 3. Consider the structure of the title. 4. Explore the features of the language game in English headings. 5. Analyze the means of expression in newspaper headlines. Research methods – synthesis, analysis, classification, study of scientific literature, methods of linguistic analysis. The work was carried out on the material of the headlines of modern American newspapers. The selеction used a continuous sampling method. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time a newspaper headline is described by a system of expressive means. The theoretical and practical significance of the thesis lies in the fact that the structural features of the title are studied systematically in connection with the functions of the titles. The results of the work can be directly used in the theory and practice of editing, as well as in the preparation of textbooks for student journalists. The study consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of sources used.

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In the course of our work, we achieved our goal and came to the following conclusions: 1. The title is an independent genre of journalism, it has genre features, has linguistic specificity and functions, the main of which is the function of attracting attention. 2. The role of the title in modern media text is great, since it is impossible to imagine a single publication where there would be no title. Headings are used to navigate within the publication, conveying the main information of the following text. 3. There are many types of headings, each with its own unique structure. 4. A language game at a graphic level is one of the means of expressiveness in English newspaper headlines. It provides active attention to the text due to the original presentation. 5. The stylistic means of expression in English newspaper headlines include metaphor and epithets, allusions, irony and sarcasm. Today, modern English-language journalism actively uses these means of speech expression, which has a positive pragmatic effect on readers. The results obtained do not refute the existing theoretical positions, but expand the available data. There are further prospects for researching these problems, which include a comparative analysis of the quantitative and qualitative use of various means of expressiveness in newspaper headlines, especially the translation of headings. The research results can be used in teaching students in the direction of "Journalism", and can also be used as a basis for further research.
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