Introduction 3 1. Theoretical aspects of studying the ways of adaptation of advertising texts translated frоm English into Russian 5 1.1. Features and types of advertising texts 5 1.2. Adaptation methods for translation 10 2. Analysis of ways to adapt advertising texts translated frоm English into Russian using the example of advertising of perfumery and cosmetic products 14 2.1. Features of advertising slogans of perfumery and cosmetic products 14 2.2. Analysis of advertising slogans of perfumery and cosmetic products 16 Conclusion 28 List of sources used 30 Applications 32

Способы адаптации рекламных текстов в переводе с английского языка на русский

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Introduction 3 1. Theoretical aspects of studying the ways of adaptation of advertising texts translated frоm English into Russian 5 1.1. Features and types of advertising texts 5 1.2. Adaptation methods for translation 10 2. Analysis of ways to adapt advertising texts translated frоm English into Russian using the example of advertising of perfumery and cosmetic products 14 2.1. Features of advertising slogans of perfumery and cosmetic products 14 2.2. Analysis of advertising slogans of perfumery and cosmetic products 16 Conclusion 28 List of sources used 30 Applications 32
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The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that among the many text materials that specialists have to translate into Russian these days, marketing texts, in particular slogans, occupy a special place. In order to avoid negative consequences when translating them, you have to show special professionalism. The term "slogan" comes frоm the Gaelic phrase sluagh ghairm, which can be translated as "battle cry". It became widespread among American advertising specialists, and later it began to be used in other countries, including Russia.

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. Nowadays, a slogan can be defined as follows: it is a short text that expresses the philosophy of a manufacturing company, product, brand. When developing and using slogans, the same goals are pursued - to increase the recognition of the company (product), to attract the attention of potential customers, to ensure sales growth (which means an increase in profits). In order for these goals to be achieved, slogans must be original and easy to remember. Statistics show that a significant proportion of goods sold in our country are produced by foreign manufacturers. Most often, slogans developed by foreign companies are formulated in English, which means that the issue of their competent translation into Russian is very relevant. In resolving this issue, specialists face considerable difficulties. It is known that English is an analytical language, while Russian is a synthetic language. The meaning of English-language phrases is formed and changed through the selеction of formal parameters of the words of which they are composed. In Russian speech, the situation is different: the general meaning of a phrase is formed by adding the particular meanings of the words frоm which it consists. That is why, when translating frоm English into Russian, very often it is not possible to simply translate the words included in the slogan: specialists have to selеct a kind of semantic equivalent. At the same time, it is extremely important to preserve and correctly interpret the idea embodied in the English-language slogan, to be able to accurately convey its tonality and energy. Only in this case will the translator be able to ensure the same impact of the slogan on the Russian-speaking audience as the original text has on the English-speaking audience. Having studied the Russian slogans of foreign manufacturing companies, we can come to the conclusion: translators succeed in solving this difficult task, but, unfortunately, not always. The aim of this work is to study the ways of adaptation of advertising texts translated frоm English into Russian. In this case, the following main tasks can be distinguished: - consider the features and types of advertising texts; - to study the ways of adaptation in translation; - consider the features of advertising slogans of perfumery and cosmetic products; - to analyze advertising slogans of perfumery and cosmetic products. The object of this research is the slogans of perfumery and cosmetic products. The subject is an adequate transfer of stylistically marked advertising slogans when translated frоm English into Russian. Research methods: comparative analysis of source texts and their translations; a method of conceptual analysis that allows us to take into account the peculiarities of a specific case of the occurrence of cognitive dissonance. Work structure. The course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references.

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In the course of this work, the following main goal was set: the study of ways to adapt advertising texts translated frоm English into Russian. To achieve this goal, the following main tasks were solved: - Considered the features and types of advertising texts; - ways of adaptation in translation have been studied; - Considered the features of advertising slogans of perfumery and cosmetic products; - the analysis of advertising slogans of perfumery and cosmetic products was carried out. Based on the results of this work, the following main conclusions can be drawn: Text - "in linguistics: an internally organized sequence of segments of a written work or recorded or sounding speech, relatively complete in its content and structure." However, despite the abundance of definitions of the text, there is still no exhaustive definition of this linguistic phenomenon. The definition of the text, which could be considered exhaustive and which would be of a terminological character, has not yet been worked out. Advertising texts can be based on specific or fictional situations, created either to prolong or to enhance the attention of the target audience. A common technique and effective tool in advertising texts is the use of references to other sources, such as a well-known statement or part of a famous work. Such a text, according to the theorist of postmodernism R. Barthes, "is a new fabric woven frоm old quotes ... scraps of cultural codes, formulas, rhythmic structures, fragments of social idioms, etc. - they are all absorbed by the text and mixed in it." Sometimes slogans can be placed at the beginning of the ad copy or replace the headline. Often, the first thing we pay attention to when reading an advertising text is the heading, directly the name of the advertising text. It may differ frоm the main text in color design, font. The headline is a kind of formula that carries a concept that attracts the reader. When writing a headline, it is most reasonable to limit yourself to one sentence - then it will be easier for the reader to grasp the headline with a glance to catch the advertiser's message contained in it. The subtitle is the next most important and positional structural element of the advertising appeal. This is the link between the main ad text and its title. The subheading prepares the reader to receive the main text of the advertisement, reveals the meaning of the previous part - the title. The subtitle makes it clear to the reader what will be discussed in the main text. Its main function is to warm up and maintain the interest of the target audience in the advertising text and the advertised product (service). The main text is the "core", the center of the advertising text. In terms of volume, it accounts for about 85% of all ad space. The main function of this part of the advertising message is the satisfaction of the readers. Here the reader must find what he lacks, something that he has been looking for and waiting for so long, i.e. the main part of the advertising text must convince the reader of the benefits of the purchased product, convince him, justify and satisfy all his expectations and requests. Phraseologisms are translated taking into account the peculiarities of the linguistic picture of the world of the carriers. For them, the translator looks for equivalents or, if there are none, then the technique of descriptive translation is applied. Example: eyes are the window of the soul - the eyes are the mirror of the soul. If for the English-speaking eyes are the windows of the soul, then for the Russian-speaking eyes are the window of the soul. Or step into their shoes has as its Russian equivalent to stand in their place, although it literally translates as "put on their shoes."
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OLAY (Olya), line of skin care products. Slogan in advertising: Olay. Your skin is loved. 6. Medical cosmetics Vichy – Vichy. Slogans: Health for the skin. Health for life.. Vichy. Health through healthy skin. Vichy. Source of skin health 7. Clearasil, skin care products, acne and acne products. Slogans: Clearasil. Clean and healthy skin. Klerasil. Clean and healthy skin ... and for kisses too. 8. Oriflame (Oriflame), natural Swedish cosmetics. Slogans: Conceived by nature - created by Oriflame. Comfort and ease in every step! (Oriflame, liquid foot talc) 9. Vitaskin Regenerative Cosmetic Line for Mature Skin. Slogan for advertising: To make mature skin better! 10. Oxygen cosmetics Faberlic (Faberlic) using Aquaftema - oxygen conductor in the deeper layers of the skin Slogans: Faberlic. I know what will happen tomorrow! Oxygen cannot be seen, but its effect can be seen. 11. Children's cosmetics Princess. Advertising slogan: Princess. Like mom, only better! 12. Make-up Max Factor. Slogan: Max Factor. Advised by professionals. 13. Makeup CoverGirl. Slogan: Easy, fresh, beautiful - CoverGirl - everything is achievable! 14. Cosmetics Mirra Lux. Slogans: Without losing time - lose years! Mirra Lux. Fine work! You are always welcome! 15. Florena Cosmetics. The slogan for cosmetics: Florena ... and my skin is softer than silk 16. HEAD & SHOULDERS: Shampoo against worries. 17. Lumene lipstick. Slogan: Lumene. Clear contour. Saturated color. 18. Brilliant Lipstick Bourjois Rouge Pop Chic. Slogan in advertising: My lips - a brilliant work of art! 19. Bourjois Rouge Connection Lipstick. Advertising slogan: All shades of your desires. 20. Youth cosmetics Mia. Slogans: MIA. Especially for young skin! Only for young skin. 21. Black Pearl Cosmetic Series. Motto: Black Pearl. The science of beauty. 22. Bourjois Pump Mascara up the Volume. Slogans: Volume of eyelashes is my clear advantage! Mascara, giving pomp to my eyelashes 23. Mascara L'Oreal. Slogan: A look that kills. 24. Avon Pure O2 Cleansing Gel. Advertising Slogan: Deep Skin Breathing 25. Cream Ozon'C Anti-Stress. Slogan: Control over stress every day 26. A series of cosmetics OZON`C to protect the skin and hair in adverse environmental conditions of cities. Advertising slogan: OZON`C. Ecology beauty 27. Herbal Cosmetics Yves Rocher - Yves Rocher. Slogan: Yves Rocher. Secrets of the future in the heart of nature. 28. Brand Skincode, Switzerland. Motto: Skincode. The secret code of your beauty. 29. Makeiveci Makeup - Givency make up. Slogan: Small is Beautiful - Small is beautiful 30. Cosmetics Linda / sunscreen Factor. Motto: Beautiful tan and healthy skin 31. Cosmetics Russian line. Advertising Slogan: Guardian Angel of Your Beauty 32. Chinese cosmetics Dabao. Motto: Dabao. Cosmetics, created by nature itself 33. Diademine, skin care products. Slogan: Diademine. Professional approach to beauty. 34. Cosmetic Vorozheya series for comprehensive skin and hair care. Slogans: Vorozheya. Fulfillment of desires. You're lovely. 35. Decorative cosmetics Fleur – Ffleur Advertising slogan: Ffleur. Perfection in everything. 36. Oxelio, sunscreen. Slogan in advertising: Oxelio. Sunbathe wisely! 37. Cosmetic line “One hundred recipes of beauty” Slogan: Cosmetics according to your best recipes. 38. Pharmaceutical cosmetics ROC. Slogan in advertising: Roc. Always keep its promises. 39. We are against the disease of dirty hands. SAFEGUARD Active, antibacterial soap. Advertising motto in Russia, 2008 40. The enemy of microbes. A friend of children. SAFEGUARD, antibacterial soap. Slogan of advertising in Russia, 2008 41. Dandruff will not have a second chance. New anti-dandruff trick. GARNIER Fructis, anti-dandruff shampoo. Advertising slogans in Russia, 2008 42. Hair shine with new force. GARNIER Fructis, shampoo. Advertising motto in Russia, 2008 43. Full freedom of volume! GARNIER Fructis Style, hair styling mousse, maxi-volume. Slogan of an advertising campaign in Russia 44. Take care of yourself. GARNIER, cosmetics. Image Slogan 45. A convenient solution to uncomfortable problems. SENI LADY, gaskets. Advertising slogan in Russia, 2009 46. A girl can be fragile, but not her hair! HERBAL ESSENCES, the line "You can not break us!" (Shampoo, conditioner, intensive hair mask). Line slogan, 2010 47. Feel only confidence.. KOTEX gaskets, 2007 48. Shampoo against worries. HEAD & SHOULDERS, anti-dandruff shampoo, 2009 49. Forget about hair loss, think of something more pleasant. HEAD & SHOULDERS, anti-dandruff shampoo, 2009. Head of a man hugging female hands 50. I see the result! COLLISTAR, cosmetics. Slogan of anti-cellulite products, 2008. The girl in the green mini admires her sturdy slim legs
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