Introduction 3
1. Phrasal Verbs 4
1.1 General characteristics of phrasal verbs 4
1.2 History of Phrasal Verbs 6
1.3 Types of Phrasal Verbs 9
1.4 Basic Phrasal Verbs 11
2. The problem of selеcting English phrasal verbs for educational purposes 13
3. Common mistakes when using English phrasal verbs 16
Conclusion 19
List of references 20
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Can students learn all phrasal verbs? No, and this is not necessary at all. Today, more than 5,000 phrasal verbs are represented in English, of which only a few hundred are constantly used. In order to learn the basic semantic units, you will need to familiarize yourself with the most common phrasal verbs. This can be done using tables frоm the Internet or special print media.
The meaning of many phrasal verbs can be understood intuitively. It really is a lot easier than memorizing Latin. In addition, when communicating with an American or reading a book in the original, you should definitely rely on the context. Most likely, you can guess what is at stake.
Your task is not just to memorize phrasal verbs, but to learn to study them consciously, with understanding. To do this, you will have to give this lesson at least 5 days a week. If every day you can remember at least 7-15 phrasal verbs, this can be considered a success. You should not try to learn as many semantic units as possible in one sitting: most likely, after a couple of days you will completely forget at least half of them. Better to learn a little, but regularly.
How to learn phrasal verbs? Many people try to achieve their desired goal exclusively with the help of special tables or dictionaries. However, you can greatly simplify your task by using various textbooks.
Since the unclaimed information is quickly forgotten, you should reconsider your life a little. First, try to find time to read books or magazines in English. This will help you not only consolidate knowledge, but also learn to understand the meaning of phrasal verbs in context. Secondly, take every opportunity to chat with people in English. Ideally, you should sign up for English courses or study on Skype. Also, you may well find an interest group. The main thing is that study is not a tedious hard labor for you: strive for diversity. Third, be organized. Plan your own independent activities in advance and stick to the schedule. Many decide to abandon the study of phrasal verbs, faced with the first problems. But everything is not as scary as it might seem at first glance. Do not forget about motivation!
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1. Alefirenko N.F. Linguistics: monograph. / N.F. Alefirenko. – M.: Book on Demand, 2016. - 284 c.
2. Bogdanova, L.I. Stylistics of the English language and speech culture: Lexicology for speech actions / L.I. Bogdanova. - M.: Flint, 2015.- 601 p.
3. Denisov P. N. Essays on Lexicology and Educational Lexicography / P.N. Denisov. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 2017. - 256 p.
4. Hack V. G. Comparative Lexicology. On the material of French and English / V.G. Huck. - Moscow: Russian State Humanitarian University, 2014. - 264 p.
5. Kazakov G.A. Sacred vocabulary in the language system / G.A. Cossacks. - M.: KDU, 2016. - 342 p.
6. Komarova A. I. Functional stylistics. Scientific speech. Language for Special Purpose (LSP) / А.I. Komarova. - M.: LCI, 2015. - 294 p.
7. Melchuk I.A. Sense and compatibility in the dictionary / I.A. Melchuk. - M.: Book on Demand, 2017. - 672 c.
8. Problems of art speech. Lexicology and lexicography. - M.: Nauka, 2017. - 200 p.
9. Sadikov A.V. English language through the prism of vocabulary / A.V. Sadikov. - Moscow: Lights, 2016. - 767 c.
10. Vaulina E. Yu. Let's speak correctly! / E.Yu. Vaulina, E.V. Shtelmakhin. - M.: Philological Faculty of St. Petersburg State University, 2017. - 308 p.
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